I have purchased 2 auto vehicals. One was a 90 Civic that I got for $200, replaced the HG and sold for $850 and the other is my wifes newish family hauler, an 06 R350. Unless something happens that makes it impossible for me to drive a stick I will always have one for my DD.
I find it funny whenever I see a small economy car with an auto in it. That just seems to me to defeat the purpose of the smaill car in the first place.
Not that you can find one on a lot, but it is nice to see you can still get a 6spd in the king of beigh-mobiles, the Camry.
And If I had gotten the F/T spot I went for, I would have custom ordered possibly the last Mercury to be built with an M/T.
Just got an e-mail from someone at C&D saying my sticker and button were in the mail 
When I sent my wife to look at an 03 Sentra Spec V on the used car lot my only question I asked her was, "Is it a manual?". After she told me it was a stick I went up there 2 hours later and bought it. Had it been an auto...I would have walked away.
BTW...this little tidbit made me laugh when I saw it.
I guess people think we are stupid for buying manuals...
I don't think he "gets" it. People generally buy manuals because it's more enjoyable, not just because it's older. It's really not a hard concept to grasp. Or I didn't think it was. I suppose he'll be the one in George Jetson's car arguing that everybody should stop driving "manually" and just punch in the coordinates to the destination because it's marginally faster.
mad_machine wrote:
guy I work with.. at age 23.. sold his Civic Si manual for an accord auto.... he was "done with that" when it came to shifting the car manually
all those long years of shifting...poor bastard!
i have two uncles who were long-haul truckers for years. they both drive autos b/c they are tired of shifting. also b/c they both drive 1-ton diesel duallys.
mad_machine wrote:
guy I work with.. at age 23.. sold his Civic Si manual for an accord auto.... he was "done with that" when it came to shifting the car manually
That is just depressing. It just sounds like, "Sorry, gotta go pop out some kids, hate my job, and buy a house I can't afford. See you in the afterlife!"
Our smart has the manual without the clutch pedal. Yes it's an actual 5speed. And I like it. Those who complain about it don't know how to drive it. A slight lift of the throttle when you shift it smooths everything right out.
My Vette is a TH400. No real complaints with that either. Even at the autocross.
Change is inevitable. Accept the new technology and move on.
If it's good enough for F1 it's good enough for me.