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JohnyHachi6 HalfDork
9/26/12 2:27 p.m.

So I grew up out in the country (not too far from Watkins Glenn in NY) and we always had lots of animals; cats, dogs, horses, etc. I remember the cats would often sleep on the cars when the engines were warm, but otherwise they didn't seem too interested in cars, and definitely didn't like being in them when they were moving.

Well, my G/F and I got a second cat a while ago, and this cat just loves cars and being in the garage. She also really seems to enjoy riding in cars. As soon as I open the door to the garage she comes running in and immediately hops into or on whatever vehicle I'm working on. She'll check out the engine bay, hop around in the seats, then usually fall asleep under the car.

We've also taken her to NY (from GA) and back, and the whole time she sat up starring out the window, like a dog. No whining or anything.

You guys have any goofy, car-loving cats like this? She also loves beer (she'll come running over to lick empty bottles/glasses whenever I set them down), so maybe she's just a weird cat...

DukeOfUndersteer UltimaDork
9/26/12 2:35 p.m.

One cool cat

Cotton Dork
9/26/12 2:41 p.m.

I have a shop cat. She sleeps on my covered 78 T/A most of the time. She likes to lay in my lap, or in the area, while I'm seated and working on projects....very similar to your pic above with the brake rotor.

Matt B
Matt B Dork
9/26/12 2:56 p.m.

That last pic sealed the deal - definitely familiar with the garage.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/26/12 2:58 p.m.

I can tell she's just in it for the beer.

carguy123 PowerDork
9/26/12 3:03 p.m.

Who says there's no such thing as reinCARnation.

nderwater UberDork
9/26/12 3:05 p.m.

Sorry, easily distracted by kitties.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/26/12 3:05 p.m.

I have one that does the same things except he hates riding in cars.

Geekspeed Reader
9/26/12 3:06 p.m.

In reply to JohnyHachi6:

Best. Cat. Evar.

Anti-stance SuperDork
9/26/12 3:35 p.m.

The cat probably knows that is where you hang out so much and wants to hang out with you.

pilotbraden Dork
9/26/12 3:58 p.m.

I met a guy one night at the Cleveland Burke Lakefront airport that was waiting for some bad weather to pass. He had a big case with a blanket over it next to him in the pilot room. The case had 2 cats in it. In the morning he went out to his Mooney 201 and released the cats. As he taxied off the ramp one crawled up on the dash and the other perched on the co-pilots headrest. They seemed very comfortable.

Twin_Cam UltraDork
9/26/12 4:16 p.m.

Our cat is not an outdoor cat, but it likes car rides. It meows and is generally an shiny happy person for the first 5 minutes. We took it on a long trip once, and decided to let it out of the carrier. It stood on the armrest and looked out the window for about three hours straight, then tried to get up into the front part of the car (I wouldn't let it because it's dangerous, both for the animal and me), so it went onto the rear deck under the windshield, curled up, and promptly went to sleep for the remaining 4 hours of the trip. Classic.

Our neighbors have an outdoor cat that likes helping me with car repairs, though. I stepped on it's foot by accident the last time though, so it's a little more wary than it used to be.

It is weird that the cat likes beer, even empty bottles. Normally the smell of alcohol coming out of the bottle keeps them away.

mndsm PowerDork
9/26/12 4:18 p.m.

I love the second pic, the cat with her head all cocked on the wheel. Is a good pic.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/26/12 4:43 p.m.

We used to have a cat that looked just like that. I swear the black ones have more interesting characters than other colors.

Anti-stance SuperDork
9/26/12 4:57 p.m.
mndsm wrote: I love the second pic, the cat with her head all cocked on the wheel. Is a good pic.

I was thinking avatar material.

racerfink SuperDork
9/26/12 4:57 p.m.

Tanker likes to sleep in the drivers seat of the race car, but I can never get a picture of him in it. Soon as he sees me he gets up.

His momma hardly ever comes out in the garage.

Anti-stance SuperDork
9/26/12 5:02 p.m.

Man, cats are cool. I really want one.

Basil Exposition
Basil Exposition Reader
9/26/12 5:26 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote: Man, cats are cool. I really want one.

Cats are a crap shoot. We have one that can't spend enough time with us and the other we never see except for meals and evening "loony" time. She is otherwise outside hunting or sleeping.

Our cats are banned from the garage ever since I found the kitty scratches on the E-type.

friedgreencorrado PowerDork
9/26/12 5:28 p.m.

That's a pretty cool cat! I've never had one with anything but benign indifference in the garage, and fear & loathing in the car. Of course, since I only ever put them in the car to take them to the vet, I think I understand why..

I was going to repost the dog vs. cat pic (the one talking about how people see or don't see breeds) from the hotlink thread, but I can't find it.

JohnInKansas HalfDork
9/26/12 6:01 p.m.

Wish our cat was that cool. He's kind of a Bob Costas.

My dog's pretty legit though.

petegossett GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
9/26/12 6:13 p.m.
Basil Exposition wrote:
Anti-stance wrote: Man, cats are cool. I really want one.
Cats are a crap shoot. We have one that can't spend enough time with us and the other we never see except for meals and evening "loony" time. She is otherwise outside hunting or sleeping. Our cats are banned from the garage ever since I found the kitty scratches on the E-type.

Male cats are general a much safer bet than females, FYI. Not trying to sound sexist, but we've had quite a few cats over the years, and ALL the females we ended up having to find new homes for.

JamesMcD Reader
9/26/12 6:28 p.m.

In reply to petegossett:

You mean you take them "to the farm," right?

JamesMcD Reader
9/26/12 6:30 p.m.

I had a cat once named Marco Polo that knew the sound of my MX6 and would come running to wait for me at the door when I came home from school.

Hasbro Dork
9/26/12 8:53 p.m.

Billie is into suspensions.

Willie likes to drive.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo PowerDork
9/26/12 9:03 p.m.

When they get out, they usually hover towards the truck.
Watch out because they don't just like craft beer, they like white castle, too... Especially those Bombays.

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