I'd like to get the opinion of the hive on this situation.
My fiance and I have decided that we are going to move back "home" (where both of our parents live) within one year of kids--if everything goes as planned (which it might not!) that means 4-6 years from now, and it will mean that I will have to leave my current company. She is a Dietitian and would have to leave her company as well, but it is not as big of a deal for her career. We live an hour apart currently, and I am going to move in with her in 6 months.
I'm currently working for the biggest and the best in the industry. It is a great company to work for with great benefits. There is a lot of room for advancement, and a lot of different areas that I could move to--really everything is an option other than sales and manufacturing. I do not like my current position, and do not really like my supervisor or manager--nothing really wrong with them, just not my favorite bosses--but FAR from my least favorite.
Now, the problems with the job: for my education and for the position, I am slightly underpaid (in comparison only. Truth be told, the rest of the folks with my education and position are probably slightly overpaid); I don't have the highest confidence that this job will remain in the same geographic location for very long; and when I move move within 6 months that will bring my commute from 8-15 minutes to 45-60 minutes.
I have an interview coming up with another company. This company is in the same industry, but isn't even on my current employer's radar screen as a competitor. I didn't even realize they existed until a little while ago. The company ratings check out in terms of BBB, AM Best, and S&P--not great, but a company I would feel comfortable working for. I applied for the job, and filled out the [required] field for current salary and the [required] fields for desired salary and minimum salary with what I thought were ridiculous numbers, but apparently they did not think the numbers were so ridiculous. What's more, the hiring manager this position is also the manager for the field that I would really like to pursue, if I can cut it.
So the good parts of this job are more money (presumably, otherwise why would they interview me knowing my current salary and my minimum requirement), and a 19-25 minute commute (from my fiance's) depending on traffic and lights, and being in exactly the right spot to move into my "dream job".
The downsides? I'd be moving from a company that every single person on this board has heard of, to one that maybe 3 or 4 do. If the "dream job" doesn't happen, while it wouldn't be crippling to my career, it certainly would have turned out to be a bad career move on my part.
Obviously a lot of unknowns here (such as, will I even get an offer?), but I'd like all of your opinions for this hypothetical situation.