We had a slight mishap with or fireplace over the winter. A hot coal got out on the carpet when my wife was putting a log on. No fire ensued but unfortunately we hadn’t put a hearthrug down yet so we have a melted spot in the carpet. (The rug went down that day
I was wondering if this was something I could repair myself or should I call in a pro? I have plenty of remnants from when they installed when the house was new 8 months ago so the colour should match.
It is our dream house so I wanna keep it. My wife however... 
Realy I'll keep her also.
I'm gonna suggest hiring a pro on that. I used to know one, but I can't recommend him anymore because he's dead. He was good, though. He could take a piece out of the closet, stretch what was there to cover the missing piece and use that to patch your boo-boo. Anyway, find someone that specializes in cleaning and repairing carpet and let them do it. They really don't charge much either.
Being dead shouldn't stop him in this economy.
I just started a couple weeks ago at a carpet cleaning company I can ask one of the guys is they ave any idea.
6/8/09 7:08 a.m.
It isn't hard if you have some remnants lying around. Otherwise take a piece from a closet. There are some you tube videos that show how to do it. I watched those and had no problems fixing a piece of mine in my previous house.
If you have the remnants there is no reason to not give it a shot before calling a pro -- if it doesn't come out good enough then call in the expert, but it is not rocket science.
depends on the type of carpet - but call a pro anyway since you could make it worse if you do something like not cut all the way and go to pull out your bad part and end up pulling threads out with it.
so what kind of carpet is it?
If is is a somewhat small spot, the pro I saw do one just cut some fibers from another part of the carpet (you could use your remnant) and hot glue gunned them to the spot. I suspect this is really only a solution for a longer pile carpet.