I buy my cars WeatherShield HP covers from Covercraft. It's woven instead of the ...umm - "non-woven" materials like Evolution that seem to fall apart. It's also really compact when you take it off the car. Won't protect against accidental dings in the same way, though.
I'll find cat prints on my cars every now and again. Sprinkling a little red pepper (the kind you put on pizza) solves that for a while. I'd rather not harm them----but I don't want them on my cars either.
In reply to JoeyM:
We have two cockatoos and an amazon.
When I hear "Your bird bit me!"
The answer is always: "If you're not bleeding, he didn't bite you."
My three will give you a brutal squeeze, like putting your fingers in bolt cutters but my buddy has an african grey that will remove chunks of flesh.
7/23/15 5:24 p.m.
In reply to Trans_Maro:
As in Aussie sulphur crested cockatoos?
7/23/15 6:12 p.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
I'll find cat prints on my cars every now and again. Sprinkling a little red pepper (the kind you put on pizza) solves that for a while. I'd rather not harm them----but I don't want them on my cars either.
I've found that the rings on my wife's fingers do more damage than the kitties....reeks havok in the door handle area. I have not tried shoving red pepper in her face though....
Gliders don't mind cars either.

In reply to daeman:
A Goffin's cockatoo, a lesser sulphur crested cockatoo and a blue-fronted amazon.
Cotton wrote:
I've found that the rings on my wife's fingers do more damage than the kitties....reeks havok in the door handle area. I have not tried shoving red pepper in her face though....
I nearly had to resort to that in order to get my wife to stop pushing on the windows of cars with frameless windows to shut the door.