I recently moved into new home, it’s great on all the fronts except as soon as I walk in the house bam barely any or no cell service. Anyone know of any ways of boosting signal inside? Trying to avoid having to buy expensive booster, and it’s gonna be week or two until we get internet back up and going
Some houses are like farraday cages sadly, im not sure how to make it better
Booster or WiFi calling is about as good as you can do I bet.
I had the same issue with T-Mobile. They supply a signal amplifier for free. One unit goes at a window with service, and it shoots the signal to the other unit. Works really well, and free.
is that all Cell companies or just the one you are using now ?
If its a Major company did you call them and ask what they could do ?
if you get the wrong "service" person ask for the Supervisor ,
If that goes no where ask for the number to cancel your account and change service ,
They really Do want to keep you as a customer and the right person can give you a booster ,
Good Luck
I have att but it’s it’s a monthly pay as you go . When I had contract it was costing wife and I almost $40 more month for exact same service, hopefully I’ll have WiFi back up next week. Atleast I can get one bar is restroom 
There are all kinds of cellphone boosters you can buy, they typically have an antenna you mount outside along with a a box of electronics you put inside.
Steel and stone are your enemy. Wood and glass are not a problem unless that glass is reflective coated and then it may as well be steel.
Keep you handset as close to the window on the proper side of the house as possible. Come autumn, your signal may improve (if the leaves fall off the trees where you live.)