Is BAT still operated by the same folks? It has undergone major changes recently. I always thought I would sell my MG through BAT when the time came, but I'm wary of the auction format. I'm not convinced online auctions of classic cars, even if well documented and photographed, bring the best out in buyers. It increases the time pressure to the sale, and can decrease the possibility that a prospective buyer will take the time to inspect the car and make a cautious and reasoned purchase, resulting in overpaying in the buyer's eyes for less perfect car than they thought they were bidding on, as any seller, even when fully honest, puts the best foot forward. I would rather sell a classic car to an educated and informed, and thus happy, buyer for a fair market price. Any way, maybe I'm wrong. BAT has certainly evolved over the years, its almost too slick now. Anyone know if there is a relation to
Anyway, just asking.
Noticed and thought the same. Also curious...
Looks to be the same people. They announced that they were reworking the looks of the website.
I actually like the auction format. I think it lends itself to bringing credible/serious buyers to bid. I also like the end format, three minutes after the last bid. As a seller, if you have a nice car, I think its worth the expense (I think it is less than $300).
They still list plenty of cars that aren't in their auctions, it's just an added feature. As far as that goes, many of the cars they've listed were from eBay or other online auctions anyway - I think they're just trying to get some of that business for themselves.
They are taking advantage of the brand they have built to grab a piece of the action. It makes the site less impartial I think. If they are featuring a 1952 Healy, and auctioning one at the same time the tendency would be to talk the auction car up and the random feature car down.
I found that started when they began advertising cars themselves. The tone of the paid advertisements was definitely different than the tone of the "look what we found" ads.
It's still definitely the same people - Randy N. is the main dude behind it. They're trying to find ways to make money - the whole "check out this car" thing was about maxed out, and it gets harder when others (Daily Turismo) are playing the same game.