Junior is leaving home for Irvine, CA for a chemistry doctorate program for the next 5+ years this Saturday. I agreed to drive across the country for some bonding time and to help the kid get all his IKEA furniture put together. He owns a 2007 Sentra CVT and will pack it with all his stuff. I hop a plane back towards the end of the week.
We plan to hit St. Louis, Lamberts throwed rolls, OK City Monument, New Mexico, and then 1 day up to the Grand Canyon, Laughlin, NV, and then to Irvine. Also www.motorsportauto.com
What should we not miss?
8/29/13 8:41 p.m.
Cunetto's House of Pasta on the Hill in St. Louis.
Datsun310Guy wrote:
What should we not miss?
Pee, food, and gas stops. 
mtn wrote:
Cunetto's House of Pasta on the Hill in St. Louis.
Excellent suggestion! Back when we lived in South County in 1968 - my dad (100% Italian) called it Dago Hill. Today we are PC and would never call it that.
Mercedes classics center is in Irvine. Go south along the coast that is a nice area.
If you have any interest in old warbirds Chino Planes of Fame is a prime site. It's right on your way, in Chino, CA of course.
In Kansas City,
WW1 Museum