4/25/11 2:20 p.m.
Reports indicate it's time for the 13yr. cicada's to resurrect themselves. Inspite of the temporary noise pollution and ground clutter, this is a pretty cool event. I kinda enjoy it even if I prefer to sleep with open windows.
Check this site for more info and a locator map to see if your area will share a natural phenomena:
I lived in Illinois in 2007 when the cicada's came out. Even with the air blowing, music up, I could still hear the bastards. I moved shortly after it started, so I didn't get the full experience.
2013 for me... but I do not know how many will take a vacation at the beach
Yay. Well they don't invade my house like the stink bugs, so I couldn't care less, the noise doesn't bother me that much.
I remember when the 17-year ones came out last- my dad and I took a jaunt down to FedEx Field to see the National Tour Auto-x there. They were smacking into the windshield the whole way down. Unless a Prepared or Mod class car (or something really loud was on course), you couldn't hear the cars, only the cicadas.
4/25/11 2:57 p.m.
I'm not that young, but..
What? Huh?
4/25/11 3:42 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
I'm not that young, but..
What? Huh?
There are a few different varieties of ciceda's. Some of them live 13, or 17, or other number of years in trees or underground, come out after the 17th year, and mate. They are EVERYWHERE. I'd come home from work on the golf course and they'd be under my collar. (17 year variety in Chicago)
I ate one for $30. Wish I had some chocolate to dip it in, or possibly a pan to fry it in.
I don't understand why people get scared of cicadas, they don't really do anything. They come out of ground, sit on the trees, shed their skin, and go back in the ground.
Yeah they look creepy, but they're harmless. So when they come, the facebook statuses and tweets come out in a flood, i.e. "OMG THERE'S ONE ON MY FENCE 300 FEET AWAY AND ITS SO DISGUSTING"
Yeah I cant wait. 
I'm not crazy about the noise, and I can't help remembering all those scary movies where there are similar insect noises.....right up until moments before someone gets killed. Sort of a "bug, early warning system" that someone's time has just run out.
4/25/11 4:18 p.m.
For those who don't know:

Which is not the same as this: