I used to do my weekly CRX, Civic, Sub-$1000, and Sub-$500 searches every day by popping in a range of $2 - $1000. Now it seems that a bunch of idiots will throw up some random 2-digit number for the price just to piss me off.
Today I got to the point where I wanted to flag every last one of them for removal.
Am I being overly sh**ty about this? It would be cool to see if it actually discouraged people from doing this.
What say ye?
So many funny ways to say "go for it"...all so politically incorrect.
Absolutely. BS like that (planting baloney keywords, etc) is part of what frustrated me about fleabay, back when I actually still used the site... now that I've given up on them entirely, I don't care, but! Discourage that crap any way you (responsibly) can
If they aren't selling the car at that price, go and report it.
I'd flag them. Are they dealers trying to get your click by posting a 1990 Honda for $20 when in reality they're asking $20k?
Xceler8x wrote: I'd flag them. Are they dealers trying to get your click by posting a 1990 Honda for $20 when in reality they're asking $20k?
Dealers and individuals. The dealers are worse, as they put $100 or $200 in the heading, which is not as unbelievable as the "$22" ones. That pisses me off more, as I'll click it thinking maybe it's a rear-end-collision car with a good motor. Aaaaaaargh.
So yeah, I'm going for it. I'll let you know how it works out.
Flag it. Remember that one flag does not warrant removal, so you don't have the guilt of judge/jury/executioner when you flag. But, CL nerds would tell you it's your duty to weed out that spam.
I've started noticing it more on the Houston Craigslist. I've not been flagging, but I may start.
The ones that get me aren't the $1 or whatever, it's the people who post a project car price (e.g., $500) when they're asking $5k (usually for a car that isn't worth the $500).
5/29/08 11:04 p.m.
The ones that get me are when they post a price of 400, and you click on it and its 400 down, plus lets work out a financing deal!
I like it. They bug me, but I never thought of flagging them. I will now.
Where are you seeing these cars?
Absoluetly flag them! I do when I car-shop on CL. It seems like the scammers and spammers are getting worse on CL as of late.
carguy123 wrote: Where are you seeing these cars?
And HOLY CRAP! It worked! I flagged about a page-worth yesterday and they're GONE. I didn't flag the "$99 down" ones, as it's listed in the title, and doesn't waste my time. I did, however, flag about 10 or 15 that had "$17" in the title, then $1,700 in the ad. Fuck those guys.
Dave, did you get in on the action too?