I have a "new to me" car here that needs a good interior cleaning. The car has leather seats. What is the right thing to clean leather?
Also, the driver's seat bolster has some wear. The leather is not ripped but scuffed enough that the blue color has come off. Is there a way to reapply color?
Something similar but different than shoe polish?
I use CarBrite All Purpose Cleaner on the interior and leather seats around here.
I'm a big fan of Lexol leather conditioner, but their cleaner doesn't really seem to remove the dirt in the creases of my red leather seats. Of course, it's only Ford-grade leather.
I've lost the top smooth surface of the leather on the front bolster of my driver's seat where my calf rubs getting in the car. It took 100k miles, but it looks like I've got a suede patch at the front of the seat
EvanR wrote:
I got some Leatherique based on previous recommendations for the ix's cardboard seats. It does seem to be making a difference, the leather does appear to soften over time. In my case it was so dry it needs multiple applications...
The cleaner also seems to be working very well. Not cheap, but I'll buy more when the time comes.
So, is Leatherique the best "expensive but worth it" option, then? If so, I'll get some. I've been using Lexol because I can get it at any parts store.