Anyone else go see it?
I didn't read any reviews on it before going since I was familiar with the book. I really think it's the best movie of the year (though I'm the guy that thought Invictus was too in 2009 though obviously that horrendous dancing with smurfs movie was better according to critics.)
If you haven't Wachowski Brothers, Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, and Hugo Weaving, participate in a beautifully filmed movie that was kept me thinking the entire length of the film. I haven't seen a movie that good in a long time.
Can't really summarize it easily or at least not in a way that would make sense at this time in the morning...
We've seen it, and really loved it. So much so that my wife bought the book. We knew nothing about it before seeing it- it was an event at a theater that we are members of. A week later, the event continued to meet the author- interesting guy.
I agree about the part that the movie is very hard to describe... Great movie.
11/14/12 7:04 a.m.
Wachowski brother and sister you mean...
I plan to see this film..Anything Wachowski, Hanks, or Weaving gets my vote...Berry? Meh...
Lesley wrote:
Wachowski brother and sister you mean...
Oh my. Guess I missed that memo due to how private they are. Good for her.
11/14/12 8:02 a.m.
Meh on the Wachowskis. My daughter saw it, said it was good, but the pacing sucked.
Plots that require a chart kinda put me off. I may wait till that one comes to video.