Datsun310Guy wrote:
Being married to his daughter for almost 30 years I still tell them there are no electrical receptacles in the ceiling when they want to "plug this up" and I don't need you to "fix" me a Coke.
Does he want you to go get the hose pipe so he can water the lawn?
My wife asks me to unthaw things all the time. I leave them in the freezer.
She gets mad.
And here I was feeling pleased with myself for just reaching Superdork this week.
9/4/15 7:35 a.m.
wvumtnbkr wrote:
My wife asks me to unthaw things all the time. I leave them in the freezer.
She gets mad.
And here I thought my maternal side of my family were the only people to use 'unthaw'.
My wife yells at me because I use 'borrow' for both 'borrow' and 'lend'. It seems a lot of the people in this area say that.
I'm just going to be happy to break out of the reader status
9/4/15 7:55 a.m.
In reply to RossD:
Wait, so if you neighbor asks to borrow a shovel, you borrow it to him? I've caught SWMBO utter granite when she means, "don't take this for granite, but..." She knows the correct way and would write it correctly, but sometimes says it wrong.
9/4/15 8:00 a.m.
Everything is borrow!
Lend/Lent is heard very little in the Appleton/Green Bay, at least that's my experience. I'm trying to learn it but it's difficult.
So, this is todays post-whoring thread?
9/4/15 8:39 a.m.
Borrow me your ears and I'll tell you a story.
I'm just happy to be here.
9/4/15 9:00 a.m.
Does everyone know what a bubbler is in Wisconsin?
9/4/15 9:10 a.m.
RossD wrote:
Does everyone know what a bubbler is in Wisconsin?
I do, I do!
Funny enough, I've only heard it in Illinois, never in Wisconsin. Probably because I went to school in Illinois and that is where I have heard the object referred to by name the most.
Bubbler....water fountain? Seems like I heard that phrase on a facebook "where are you from" quiz
9/4/15 9:17 a.m.
Bubbler is a Water Fountain! I will borrow that to yous guys. 
Sort of like how we have pop here in Michigan and we aren't talking about your father.
9/4/15 9:35 a.m.
I;m drinking some coffee right now.
9/4/15 9:43 a.m.
In reply to Grtechguy:
It seems to me that we say both soda and pop. It's those crazy southerns that call all soda pop 'Coke' and then get annoyed when you don't ask them 'What kind of Coke do you want?' Then get even more annoyed when they respond with 'Mountain Dew' and you look at them like they are trying to troll you.
I got a coffee maker last year with the grinder right in the grounds basket. It's sweet but if you have it on a timer and you don't know a coffee grinder is about to go off at 5:30am while you wearily try to pour the milk onto your cereal, you're in for a surprise and milk all over the place.
I drink water every morning.