Cool. Hair, human or canine can absorb lots of oil but allow water to pass through. The story I saw (there are many) was of a woman in Florida collecting the hair and panty hose to make cylinders of material that gets strung across a slick. One cylinder, looks about 10" diameter and 3 ft. long, can pick up 50 gallons of oil.
Grassroots Encon.
5/5/10 6:21 a.m.
Hmm, I should collect all the hairs out of my shower drain and matt them under my rear seal.
Seriously though, that's actually really cool. I love seeing these kinds of solutions that people find just by thinking a bit differently. Play 'connect the dots' with all the little bits of knowledge in your head and who knows what you'll come up with?
lots of hair needs to be sent to the gulf of mexico
I can't believe that there is not some way to extract the oil from the water and still refine it. Its not like crude and water mix very well.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
I can't believe that there is not some way to extract the oil from the water and still refine it. Its not like crude and water mix very well.
There is, the trouble is collecting it (and of course it's not profitable).
GameboyRMH wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
I can't believe that there is not some way to extract the oil from the water and still refine it. Its not like crude and water mix very well.
There is, the trouble is collecting it (and of course it's not profitable).
well, they are going to try to scoop as much of it up as they can, and they'll have to do something with it.. so they might as well put it into circulation.. this would get them some brownie PR points with the "greenie" crowd.
5/5/10 9:47 p.m.
What about cat hair? I got enough here to make a whole 'nother cat.
that reminds me, ive got a sink trap to clean out...
after that i may shave all the critters in the interest of the environment, and for a laugh. a dachshund-chihuahua mix has to be hilarious with out hair, hes already pretty funny looking!

And with all this new knowledge , the big question going forward will be "hair or kitty litter for the garage floor?
i usually have an ample supple of both, the rest of the critters have longer hair...
Am I the only one who thought of this when they heard about this technique for trapping the oil?

Also if you know what this is you more than likely have watched far to much South Park...just like me.
LOL I knew I watched too much South Park, this just confirms that.
5/6/10 2:44 p.m.
No way in hell am I gonna ask what that is...
It's all natural Cherokee hair!
Did I just have a "Borat" flashback?
GameboyRMH wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
I can't believe that there is not some way to extract the oil from the water and still refine it. Its not like crude and water mix very well.
There is, the trouble is collecting it (and of course it's not profitable).
oh? a lot of onshore wells produce quite a bit of water, as it typically forms the lower flow barrier in the subsurface.
there are some wells that produce over 90% water as they're nearly played out, but because they've been producing so long, its still profitable to run the pump.