We talk about guns enough, I figured there had to be a few competition shooters in the house. I only shoot IDPA right now (SSP, Marksmen). I'm still very inconsistent with my performance, but I think I'll be able to move up into Sharpshooter at this weekends Classifier. I'd like to try an IPSC match and I've got plans to start doing 3 gun by the end of the year.
I am an ocassional, informal, bowling pin and sporting clay shooter
I used to shoot Small Bore NRA Hunter Pistol Metallic Silhouette. AAA in Iron Sight and AA in Any Sight (scope). Haven't for a while. The closest match is an hour away. I have also shot a few High Power Rifle Prone matches.
Yeah. Li'l bit.

I used to shoot USPSA pretty hardcore, then got out for no apparent reason about six years ago. As a bit of a New Years resolution I decided that was stupid and jumped back in. Not sure why I ever left.
That's a ParaOrd 16-40 built for Open Class, another 16-40 for Limited/L10, a Springfield XD40 that's currently in progress being built as a L10 gun, and my current favorite, my Springfield XDm 5.25 Competition for Production class. USPSA Production is a lot like Showroom Stock or Solo2 Stock where you can do a few little tweaks, but not much. Funny how sometimes the stockest stuff is the most fun.
I guess it depends... I do a little sporting clays when the Sportsmen's Club has it but I attend too infrequently to call what I'm doing there competing.
I have thrown in with small bore rifle silhouettes on occasion too. I keep the club membership because I have this idea that I will do it more often and the kids will too but... between race cars, kids sports, karting, and remaining employed I'm a little short of time for getting drunk nevermind another hobby.
4/25/12 12:19 p.m.
Have you ever thought about combining your hobbies to save time? 'Getting drunk' and 'kids sports' could easily be the one activity.
Let's see ... I haven't been active in competition in years, but ...
Smallbore rifle in high school and college
Dabbled in country-boy handgun silhouette (standing, iron sights, straight-walled handgun cartridges only).
IPSC back when we still called it "combat pistol"
NRA High Power Rifle: Across-the-course (my personal favorite shooting sport) and a few Palma matches. I still shoot an occasional reduced-range HPR match with my old club.
I need to try IDPA, or get back into IPSC/USPSA. Maybe try F-Class rifle or one of the other long range rifle matches.
I shoot a little Sportsmans High Power at the local club. During the winter I we also shoot a .22 class that uses both rifle and pistol. Both of these are not official NRA classes or anything just stuff cooked up at our club.
I am working on building a rifle for long range shooting, in fact I just got word my barrel should be done next week.
I built a 30-06 Mauser 98 for HP Rifle Prone. Montana Rifleman BBL tapers down to 1". Redfield Palma rear site, Tompkins globe front site, rail, hand stop. Then after we moved up here, there's no match to shoot it in. Driving 150 miles 1 way for a match is a bit much for a day trip. In Texas, the range was about 10 minutes from my house.
NRA metallic silhouette rifle, Smallbore and Highpower, Master in Smallbore Hunter Rifle, AAA in everything else. Occasional airgun silhouette match. Cowboy lever action silhouette with a 30-30. Used to do a lot of centerfire and rimfire steel plate matches with handguns. Some IDPA and Glock matches.
JG, all those nice guns, and then not one but two XDs! Just kidding. The 5.25 competition models are starting to show up strong at my local IDPA matches.
Used to shoot Action Pistol, Cowboy Action and IDPA pretty regularly. A Masters degree followed by two kids fixed that.
4/25/12 8:59 p.m.
i want to try shooting steel. i have a box stock 40 cal just for chits and ha ha's
BARNCA wrote:
i want to try shooting steel. i have a box stock 40 cal just for chits and ha ha's
Steel is AWESOME. If USPSA is a gun autocross then steel is a gun drag race. The Steel Challenge World Championships is in Florida this year and I'm seriously considering sending in an app.
4/25/12 9:46 p.m.
Also did small bore rifle in high school and college. Then got away from competive shooting when I graduated and moved away.
About 10 years ago I decided to try some small bore benchrest shooting at a local club. Took me a year to decide that hitting the head of a straight pin at 50 yards outdoors with a .22 was somewhat above my skill level.
I did competitive .22 pistol shooting for a year or two when I first came to college, but started spending too much time with the race car team and didn't have time.
I've always wanted to do IPSC and 3-Gun. Unfortunately it's not high enough on the priority list to get money, nor is it important enough to fight with the GF who doesn't want guns in the house.
4/27/12 2:36 p.m.
"IPSC back when we still called it "combat pistol" "
Yeah I did that too, Bill Wilson was almost always at our local shoots.
I've done F-class rifle, and informal sporting clays too.