I would like to put a ass load of music on a new external hard drive. After botching up a Nintendo emulator, I'm now hesitant to do more. I do not wish to re-upload all that music.
As I under stand it, you can freely move around files, but not executable ones. Is this correct?
Long question short, can I move the files off the main HD and put them on the external and still be able to play them?
Yes, you should be able to move them around to another harddrive, but you might have to tell the music management software you're using about the new location. Heck, it might even have a built-in feature to move the files.
Doesn't really matter if it's an external drive or an internal one as on the normal software level they look the same, it's just that the external drive tends to be noticeably slower.
11/17/11 2:31 p.m.
As long as the music player in question is directed to search that HDD for files to play, you should be fine.
What music software are you using to manage and play your files?
Yeah, i forgot to mention I'm using Windows Media Player. I know its not the best, but I'm familiar with it and to does most anything I ask it.
I have run emulators from external drives, music, remotely played music etc. all from external drives as well as used false drives to use CD images. As long as you can tell them where the files are that you need you access, all should be well.
Appleseed wrote:
Yeah, i forgot to mention I'm using Windows Media Player. I know its not the best, but I'm familiar with it and to does most anything I ask it.
move the music before asking it to search that drive for files, but ask nicely. It can be temperamental.
NSperlo has it right I believe. Move the files and then tell Windows Media Player (WMP) to search for files on that new drive. I believe you'll just have to redirect WMP to the folder that stores the music.
Thanks guys. Will test tonight.