I'm trying to download/save/capture this streaming video.
So far no luck. Generally I can locate the source file with either AdBlock, or Page Info on Firefox, but despite having the URL to the "file", it's not working. Any help?
I don't know why my comment above was collapsed. Because of "computer hacker"? I heard it on Jurassic Park and assumed it was a legit job description.
Thus far, I've found a way to do a partial screen record with QuickTime, but I'll check out cam studio.
BTW, the online concert was and is free and while I appreciate squashing the relentless spam on this site, I'm not soliciting anyone to "Watch Frozen for Free online with a side order of infection". I want to watch the concert myself.
Just use any screen recording device targeted at video gamers?
There are approximately 1 zillion free ones, all legit. Should take 2 seconds of the googles to find it. FRAPS is the big one.
You called? 
I could do it without screen capture. Unfortunately the page isn't loading for me.
Edit: OK third time's the charm. Now to find which Flash version it wants.
Apis, I'm not sure why your post is showing as collapsed, it shows up normally for me.
I'm trying, but this page only loads about 1 out of 5 tries, and then it takes 10 minutes.
It's been slow loading for me too. I assumed my connection was slow.
Couldn't get it to load again yesterday. I'll give it another try this evening.
It won't load at all for me either.
If you let it percolate for a while it will eventually load.