IIRC, one of the things SWMBO is subscribed to on the Roku is Hulu Plus. She's paying subscription money, and Hulu Plus still plays commercials.
I'll be honest, though..I don't watch much TV, so I don't know if she's paying Hulu for "Plus", or just paying Roku for access to more channels.
to get hulu on any device that is not a computer requires Hulu PLUS... so on the roku, or xbox, or cell phone requires hulu plus
yes you get 2 or 3 commercials per 1 hr episode with the plus...
also if you have crackle as an option on your device (roku and xbox have it) you can get some OK movies for free...get commercials... if I can't find something on netflix then I look on crackle sometimes...
I have said it before and will continue to say it until I am blue in the face, Project Free TV. This place has nearly everything, you do not download, you do not create an account, you just navigate through movies or TV shows and try the different links.
Only thing with this site is the people that put up the links put fake play buttons on some of the streams when you first click on them to send you to another page. If you have been to Justin TV or other streaming sites you may be familiar but this is not nearly as bad. Once you close out the fake window you click play and watch whatever episode commercial free and in HD(if available). I have never ran into a malicious link on there. The worst that happens is it pops up a random window at the beginning and just close it out. No other windows will pop up during the movie or TV show streaming. Some links are slower than others to buffer. You will see.
I had to use this site to watch Walking Dead and Hell on Wheels because I was a Dish subscriber and Dish was dicking AMC around. That got resolved Sunday night apparently. But new episodes show up the next day at midnight.
Man, this post looks like a c_noe, but I swear it is not. 
Edit: Also, I am still a Netflix customer and Dish network subscriber because apparently I suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. 

Anti-stance wrote:
I have said it before and will continue to say it until I am blue in the face, Project Free TV.
Pics of said activities with a Smurf.
In reply to Anti-stance:
Cool! I literally just gave Dish the finger and will probably keep netflix because Im a masochist but it is always nice to have another option. Also, Let me watch this is another such site.
I think most options have been discussed, I pay for Hulu Plus mostly for The Daily Show and a few other Comedy Central shows. They have been pretty aggressively adding more content, lots of Sci-Fi and Anime stuff now.
Amazon Instant is interesting, I would subscribe but the large once a year price is a turn off for me.
Sometimes shows can be found on specific network websites though it can take some digging and some luck that what you want is there. You would need a home theater pc of some sort. Google TV promised to bring all this content together but the networks have pushed back and made it not work unfortunately.