Do we have a thread for these yet?
I don't really have anything, but boredom and certain current news atricles has me wanting to google for random stuff to occupy my brain while I sit waiting for customers. So here we go: post up your favorites! Keep links SFW pls.
*edit: this is for entertainment. We all know the rules here.
Tempted to throw a preemptive lock on this, but that would probably just feed the paranoia. So leaving this open, reminding everyone of the rules, and ready to check back in and lock it when it follows its predictable course. (I'd like to be wrong, but in a world where a "let's all be excellent to each other" topic went to hell before it had 20 posts, I believe I am not.)
Gotta give props to the Flat Earth nutjobs, you need a spaceship to disprove them. Or maybe a ring laser gyroscope that costs $$$$$...they tried that and decided that their costly high-end instrument had a nasty drift (that exactly matched mainstream spheroidal-earth theory). Maybe 2 of those gyroscopes in different orientations? What are the odds that they'd have the same drift? 
8/12/19 11:03 a.m.
What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?
I went down the flat-earth youtube rabbit hole. Entertaining, but not crazy enough for me.
I'm a Hokey Pokey belilever.
8/12/19 11:18 a.m.
There is a Hollow Earth theory which is rather fascinating.
There is a Concave Hollow Earth theory that the whole earth is inside-out, and we are on the inside of a sphere.
But these aren't really conspiracies.
I quite like the Flying Spaghetti Monster for maximum plausible weird.
FSM isn't a theory.. Ra-men. 
Time Cube was the single greatest weapon to combat mindless and repetitive debates about religion and the nature of god that occur endlessly in almost every corner of the interholes. You could copy-paste paragraphs from just about anywhere in the rant and it would seem as though you were giving well thought out responses to the other people who are pounding their mushy skulls into the cyber-bulkhead of futility, and who would soon cease all discussions of such nonsense when mushy heads explode from exposure to timecube.
If you would acknowledge
simple existing math proof
that 4 harmonic corner days
rotate simultaneously around
squared equator and cubed
Earth, proving 4 Days, Not
1Day,1Self,1Earth or 1God
that exists only as anti-side.
This page you see - cannot
exist without its anti-side
existence, as +0- antipodes.
Add +0- as One = nothing.
8/12/19 11:28 a.m.
The docu on Netflix about Area 51 and Bob Lazar was fun. Then I listed to Joe Rogans podcast with Bob and the guy who made the movie and it was even more fun.
I find the conspiracy theories based on the Freemasons to be interesting.
Wiki link here
Like the black helicopters that hover over your house at night and can detect the strip in a $100 bill to see if your sitting on large amounts of cash in your house?
8/12/19 11:39 a.m.
Here's one:
The "Fellowship" or "Family" being a New World Order and influencing politics worldwide.
Conspiracy, or complicated reality?
New Netflix documentary will fill you in, and live you with more questions than answers.
Lizard People
9/11 was an Inside Job or carried out by the Mossad so we would attack other's in the Middle East
All Mass Shootings are false flags by the gov't to justify ending the 2nd Amendment
The Moon Landing was faked
The Rothchild's back our wars against countries who won't allow Central Reserve Banks
JFK was killed by the CIA and his desire to pull their funding and remove ourselves from the "Federal Reserve" which isn't actually a federal institution.
That should be at least 50-60+ hours of YouTube videos and documentaries to start with
All our efforts at combating global warming are in fact accelerating it. The air is cleaner than it has been in recorded history which allows more sunlight with greater intensity to hit the earth. This causes greater evaporation, which in turn allows for more powerful storms. This in turn leads to greater paranoia about global warming which leads to stricter regulations regarding emissions which makes the air even cleaner. This in turn intensifies the problem.
Heard a bizarre one a while back about giant worms in the ground making huge tunnels from NY to CA. And various other incomprehensible elements including government cover-ups, of course. But yeah, this guy was serious and he kinda scared me. Now that I'm several hundred miles away from where this fella lived, I think it's funny. 
There have been some spectacular ones flying around for the past few days for some reason...
I can't imagine why.

Flat Earth Theory is a joke! As a cat owner, I can tell you that it definitely is NOT flat. If it were, the cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now. 
You cats are coming through as expected. Excellent work so far.
It seems like every conspiracy theory has a bunch of variations. In some cases everyone of the variations is impossible.
But I think in some cases the true facts are lost in a cloud of squid ink because people invented multiple theories. Some are honestly invented and some invented to confuse the public. This devolves into countless arguments over which facts are real and how do they really piece together.
The Kennedy Assassination seems to be the poster child for this theory of conspiracy theories. I've lost count of how many people have made a living off of writing about this subject.
You want some fun conspiracy theories check out Denver airport, lot's around that, helped by the weird ass funky art murals, massive footprint for an airport with twice it's traffic and the artist killing demon eyed horse statue. I love those ones.
My other favorite is the history one, I can't recall what's it's called but basically, there are people who believe that a huge chunk of the middle ages was made up and we just invented a few hundred years in the middle of (mainly European) world history.
Someone mentioned the hollow earth conspiracy, there is also the whole NAzi New Swabia thing. Variations say there is still a NAzi base there. That the Nazi's found an entrance to an underground world and the best one there is a new planet only visible from there.
I love this E36 M3
There is no such thing as nothing. Nothing is something, therefore nothing doesnt exist. If this statement isn't true tell me what nothing is.
8/12/19 12:40 p.m.
There is a second planet, exactly like earth on the exact same orbit only 180 degrees apart from us. We can't see it because the sun is in the way.
This is where the aliens that built the pyramids/stone henge/-insert weird thing here- came from.