These ones:
Yeah, so I drove to England and back over the weekend for a big multi-club Lotus meetup & show. I didn't find all the spare parts I was hoping to but it was loads of fun. 1300 km each way plus a ferry crossing but it was totally worth it. The second day was double-billed with another classic Britcar/other car show, and a big swap meet which was kind of useless since I don't own a 1957 Rover of any sort. Went for a curry night and a pub night with the guys from my Elan club, endured a shockingly cold night in the campground (seriously, +17 C high, -2 low? WTF?), drank quality British ale, all the good stuff. I took 700-odd photos but I've managed to trim them down to the 211 best. Here are some highlights:
Empty Autobahn driving
Car wash party!
Holy crap it's cold!
We convoyed from a meetup point to the main show Saturday morning
Classic Lotus patina
My Elan will eventually become this colour.
Holy E36 M3! Someone's gone and lowered a Europa. My head asplode.
Some random other cars from the show on Sunday:
^^ WTF is this? It was parked with the Minis.
I can't possibly post everything here so feel free to browse through my full albums from the weekend. They are:
Thursday (driving over)
Friday (set up day)
Saturday (show day)
Sunday (show day)
Monday (driving home)