I found this really cool Alphabet book called "The Racecar Alphabet "

It came in the mail yesterday and it is really well done. The ilistrations are nice and all of the cars in the book are real race cars. I ended up reading it three times last night to my 5 year old.
Should we follow up in a couple of months to see how you feel about it after reading it three times a night?
Looks like my reading level.
I was a big fan of chunky books. Eight pages.
Am I a bad Dad? Kid ended up with a PhD in Chemistry.

I prefer Hookers and Blow.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
My kids favorite bedtime book was Little Critters, Just Go to Bed. Read it so many times I can still recite most of it and my youngest is 30 now.
Racecar alphabet is a good one. Another good kids car book that you will enjoy reading and the graphics is The Little Red Racing Car about a barn find of a sterling moss maserati.
I have 5 brothers, they have kids; this year was a rash of grand kiddies sprouting. This is a good one. "Dots".

2/1/22 9:57 a.m.
T is for Turbo is fun and nicely done as well. You do have to look over a glaring error on the explanation for the intercooler.

My daughter had racecar alphabet. I had the Caterpillar catalog.
In reply to 84FSP :
That drives me crazy every time. On the plus side, now my wife, 3 year old, and 5 year old all know to make the correction every time we read it.