5/31/12 10:02 a.m.
Los Olas Blvd, hotsy totsy area of Ft. Lauderdale. Driving back to the house, I see a Ft. Lauderdale Mounted Police officer on the side of the road. See them regularly, rather impressive. I had just checked my speed, 24mph in a 25 zone. As I came close, he raised his radar gun! I really wanted to stop and watch him go on a pursuit of some scofflaw.
Is that one of those areas where all the old folks drive golf carts around? Maybe it makes sense after all 
5/31/12 10:04 a.m.
Did the horse have lights and sirens on it? PLEASE tell me it was wearing an old-school gumball machine as a hat.
We have cops on segways in the posh touristy area around my office. I always giggle when I see them. My dad says he wants to give them a strobe light that they can stick on top of their bike helmets. 
Policemen deserve your respect, not your derision. You people should be ashamed!
5/31/12 10:13 a.m.
1988RedT2 wrote:
Policemen deserve your respect, not your derision. You people should be ashamed!
I give respect as it is given to me. I understand being a police officer is a difficult and underappreciated job, but there's no reason to take that out on me. (Sorry, had a run in last night- and the officer was not so pleasant.)
1988RedT2 wrote:
Policemen deserve your respect, not your derision. You people should be ashamed!
The cop on the horse was a disguise so you wouldn't see him and slow down. Over the hill was a veritable horde of motocycles, SUVs, and regular cop cars to take 'em down as fast as he could shoot them.
I've seen that trick and the one where the spotter hides behind the freeway overpass sign on the bridge with as many as 13 cops lined up to take them down. And it's always on a downhill slope of the freeway in the most desolate areas of town, not the congested areas where 5 over might be an issue.
I know multiple cops and they are Napoleon types and really get off on the power.

I saw a news bit on Tel Aviv skate cops (not those pictured above)- with flashing blue belt buckles.
Police horse walks into a bar.
Bartender says why the long face?
Horse says "I got cancer. berkeleying radar guns".
Thank you folks. I'll be here all week. Remember to tip the waitress!
carguy123 wrote:
1988RedT2 wrote:
Policemen deserve your respect, not your derision. You people should be ashamed!
The cop on the horse was a disguise so you wouldn't see him and slow down. Over the hill was a veritable horde of motocycles, SUVs, and regular cop cars to take 'em down as fast as he could shoot them.
I've seen that trick and the one where the spotter hides behind the freeway overpass sign on the bridge with as many as 13 cops lined up to take them down. And it's always on a downhill slope of the freeway in the most desolate areas of town, not the congested areas where 5 over might be an issue.
I have seen that. Years ago, I was heading into Atlantic City in the work/delivery truck. Limit is 50.. I was doing just a hair over.. I was in no hurry as I had plenty of time till we got together to assemble a stage on the beach.
Route 30 into Atlantic City is known as the White Horse Pike and sometimes referred to as the atlantic city speedway.. a majority of the people do at least 60 and quite a few hit 70 or more.. I came around the corner and there was a cop on his motorcycle with radar.. but he was not moving. A mile down the road was were they parked the buses for the casinos.. and they were waving people in as fast as they went by.... and I just sailed on by at 50
I've seen 'em here mount them in those massive roadside mowers when they're out. I was going slow enough to question the sight of a team of mowers and a squadron of cops on the 220 autobahn here in town at the same time.
carguy123 wrote:
1988RedT2 wrote:
Policemen deserve your respect, not your derision. You people should be ashamed!
The cop on the horse was a disguise so you wouldn't see him and slow down. Over the hill was a veritable horde of motocycles, SUVs, and regular cop cars to take 'em down as fast as he could shoot them.
I've seen that trick and the one where the spotter hides behind the freeway overpass sign on the bridge with as many as 13 cops lined up to take them down. And it's always on a downhill slope of the freeway in the most desolate areas of town, not the congested areas where 5 over might be an issue.
I know multiple cops and they are Napoleon types and really get off on the power.
Its not really a trick. Its called wolfpacking. Got a problem with it, don't speed.
As for you, T2, I think a mounted cop with a radar gun is funny. Doesn't mean I don't respect the officers.
carguy123 wrote:
And it's always on a downhill slope of the freeway in the most desolate areas of town, not the congested areas where 5 over might be an issue.
Its not really a trick. Its called wolfpacking. Got a problem with it, don't speed.
Yes, and the cops are proud of the wolf pack. They brag about it and are a lot more aggressive both verbally and with the tickets they write when they are in a pack.
I guess you didn't notice the part of my post about the placement of the packs.
Wonder what the tumor on the horse is going to look like in a few years.
slantvaliant wrote:
I saw a news bit on Tel Aviv skate cops (not those pictured above)- with flashing blue belt buckles.
I once saw an awful movie about a SWAT team on roller blades. I think they had rocket boosters too.
I passed by my friends in Virginia Beach one night after they managed to get pulled over by 2 horse patrols. Since they were driving Mustangs (3 or 5 cars stopped) they convinced the cops to pose for a photo opportunity.
remember, those speed traps where they disguise the cop with the radar gun as something that shouldn't have a radar gun and have a whole batallion of police vehicles over the hill and around the bend in the road to get people that are speeding are, like, totally for safety and stuff and, like, totally have nothing to do with revenue generation.
which is why no police officer should get mad if someone decides to do something to warn oncoming traffic that there is a speed trap ahead- either by making a big sign or flashing lights or whatever- to get people to slow down and drive safer.. there was just a court case where a police department got a real vicious slapdown by a judge because they gave a ticket to a guy that was warning other motorists about a speed trap...
MA$$hole wrote:
I passed by my friends in Virginia Beach one night after they managed to get pulled over by 2 horse patrols. Since they were driving Mustangs (3 or 5 cars stopped) they convinced the cops to pose for a photo opportunity.
too bad no one had a Dodge Colt at the scene..
novaderrik wrote:
remember, those speed traps where they disguise the cop with the radar gun as something that shouldn't have a radar gun and have a whole batallion of police vehicles over the hill and around the bend in the road to get people that are speeding are, like, totally for safety and stuff and, like, totally have nothing to do with revenue generation.
which is why no police officer should get mad if someone decides to do something to warn oncoming traffic that there is a speed trap ahead- either by making a big sign or flashing lights or whatever- to get people to slow down and drive safer.. there was just a court case where a police department got a real vicious slapdown by a judge because they gave a ticket to a guy that was warning other motorists about a speed trap...
This article?
As a side note, Tampa has installed a crap load of red light cameras over the past 9 months. I had a local police officer with over 25 years on the force tell me that it was obviously for revenue generation. No points on your license. Just mail in the money and that's it...
stanger_missle wrote:
novaderrik wrote:
remember, those speed traps where they disguise the cop with the radar gun as something that shouldn't have a radar gun and have a whole batallion of police vehicles over the hill and around the bend in the road to get people that are speeding are, like, totally for safety and stuff and, like, totally have nothing to do with revenue generation.
which is why no police officer should get mad if someone decides to do something to warn oncoming traffic that there is a speed trap ahead- either by making a big sign or flashing lights or whatever- to get people to slow down and drive safer.. there was just a court case where a police department got a real vicious slapdown by a judge because they gave a ticket to a guy that was warning other motorists about a speed trap...
This article?
As a side note, Tampa has installed a crap load of red light cameras over the past 9 months. I had a local police officer with over 25 years on the force tell me that it was obviously for revenue generation. No points on your license. Just mail in the money and that's it...
it was a different article, but i think that might be the same guy.
I've always been told that you can't outrun a Motorola. No different than the "bear in the air" flying overhead and radioing down.