Subscriber-unavailabile said:
Oh and all this could all be for nothing. There's an asteroid that has a 1 in 150000 chance of taking us all out in 2068, that scares me
Most likely will not be around in 2068, but if anyone has an asteroid vaccine by 2067, I am taking it.
Just added it to my calendar.
In reply to engiekev :
Can you guarantee every person on this planet won't die?
mtn (Forum Supporter) said:
Subscriber-unavailabile said:
Well y'all can hate me for my views. I'm not an anti vaxer, but I don't want the vaccine because I don't feel the need.
So far around 330,000 people have died out of the what 330 millionish people. Under 70 there's what a 99.8% survival rate. And that's over a 12 month period.
I don't wish death onto anyone or their families, but I'm not scared of it. Yesterday marked 21 years since we buried my 2 year old sister. She died from strangulation on cord from a window blind. So do we all rip out our blinds for safety now?
The death rate in my opinion while sucks, is to me not a super alarming rate. I look at COVID same way I look at driving. I'll take cautions, but there's still risk of death at the end of the day. But maybe we should all give up our cars so there's not a risk?
I just want to live my life, deal with whatever the bitch deals me, and move on.
Just my opinion, y'all can all tell me how I'm evil now
I've started to type 4 responses to this and deleted them. I'll just say that, to me, the bolded parts are at odds with each other.
What is the negative of getting the vaccine?
Agreed about the bold parts. That is what I think is missing here... the connection that this virus isn't about the individual. I'm in a category with almost no risk of death from the virus, but my mother after three rounds of cancer and an age of 73 is super-high risk. It's not about me dying, it's about the 50 people I might infect before I realize that I have it.
Subscriber... the odds you listed are close. The actual number is about 99.6% That means that whoever gets the virus has a 1 in 250 chance of dying. I don't really like those odds. That's 400 times more likely to die than if you went skydiving. The other thing to consider is that 40% of the deaths that are happening are in the elderly population.
Please understand that I DO NOT think you are evil, I think you just haven't put all the pieces together. If I thought you were evil, I wouldn't be replying. It's also not as if it's a once-and-done. It keeps coming back. It wipes out 1 in 250 every time it infects. If it were Chicken Pox that you can only get once, that's a different story..
My dad put it really well. He said this virus is like a fart. It takes a while before you smell it, and you aren't bothered by the smell of your own fart. But by the time you realize it, you've already caused so much hardship for the other people around you.
They could just send out bounty hunters with animal tranquilizer guns filled with the vaccine. 
Personally I'd be way more on board with the vaccine if the companies making and testing it were not legally immune from any consequences. If it's safe, stand behind it. That goes for any politician who would vote to force it on anyone. I find it incredibly hard to believe that everything is above board when the situation is basically, "Hey here's billions of dollars, tons of publicity and free advertising if you can come up with a medication for a disease that were still trying to understand. And don't worry, you're immune from any consequences from scary side effects or long term problems."
Im vaccinated and so are my children, for the record.
Slippery (Forum Supporter) said:
Subscriber-unavailabile said:
Oh and all this could all be for nothing. There's an asteroid that has a 1 in 150000 chance of taking us all out in 2068, that scares me
Most likely will not be around in 2068, but if anyone has an asteroid vaccine by 2067, I am taking it.
Just added it to my calendar.
We all die eventually. I'd prefer a front seat to the spectacular over a week or month in the hospital fading away.
'Melancholia', the movie was really a slow downer, but I kinda want to watch it again now.
12/10/20 12:42 p.m.
Subscriber-unavailabile said:
In reply to engiekev :
Can you guarantee every person on this planet won't die?
I can guarantee that every person on this planet WILL die.
So far death is batting 1000.
In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :
My whole point is there is only one guarantee in this life, death. I went to 20 funerals before I even graduated, all various ages and various causes.
Fine we can all get the vaccine, but does that automatically guarantee we're all saved and no one will die?
ShawnG said:
Subscriber-unavailabile said:
In reply to engiekev :
Can you guarantee every person on this planet won't die?
I can guarantee that every person on this planet WILL die.
So far death is batting 1000.
Sorta. Death is batting 1000 so far for all lives that ended in death. There are 7 billion or so right now that we are technically unsure of the outcome. 
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
....It's also not as if it's a once-and-done. It keeps coming back. It wipes out 1 in 250 every time it infects. If it were Chicken Pox that you can only get once, that's a different story..
This is an important point. If this thing is not stamped out, not only will it keep circulating and re-infecting, round and round, it will mutate, and maybe not in a happy way. It has already apparently mutated a bit. Some strains appear to be more contagious but less deadly. Where it will go next, who knows.
Of course... this came from somewhere (if it wasn't a lab)... something similar will likely come again.... and maybe worse. Having the defenses a vaccine will give you might (?) help a bit for the next round, if it comes.
Also of note: Chicken Pox does not go away. It is apparently well linked to Shingles. There is a potential worry about similar effects with this one also. No one has anyway of knowing the long term effects / secondary effects of course.
A quick note on the aspect of "healthy people should be fine". Healthy clearly makes it less dangerous, but does not eliminate the risk. Interesting data point here, from a VERY healthy person, long term damage, who knows:
I was positive for COVID Aug 29th. Since then I have been battling vertigo, tore my vein in my bicep which resulted in finding out I have blood clots, pneumonia and mental fog, these are the symptoms I’ve had and been dealing with
Weird stuff
Time doesn't make for a good vaccine. Quality research, knowledge, and processes does.
People seem to be suggesting that companies would rush a vaccine to market for profit motives. What profit benefit is there to a vaccine that performs poorly?
A bad vaccine is not in the best interest of any company, politician, medical provider or government.
Capitalism is probably the best proof that the vaccine is safe, and most likely effective.
12/10/20 1:24 p.m.
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
US Government to all US industries in 1942: You are hereby ordered to do a complete 180 and start manufacturing guns, tanks, and planes for the war effort. No new cars, RVs, or boats, and the main staple of women's fashion and the one thing that women are expected to wear for simple decency will now be unavailable so we can use the nylon in parachutes. We will give you government money for this.
US industries: berkeley yeah! How many tanks, guns, and planes do you need so all Americans can share in a great victory?
US Government to men in 1942: We need you to enlist and fight this enemy against terrible odds of your survival
US men in 1942: Too late, already did, where's my weapon. I will risk my life for America!
US Government to women in 1942: We need you to stop wearing your undergarments and join the workforce so we can send the men to fight in this American cause. We have set up truckloads of free money for childcare, erected buildings where your children can go free of charge while you work
US Women: Hell yes! Where do I sign up so that we as a unified America can support the effort?
US Government in 2020: We want you to wear a free, harmless piece of paper on your face to prevent 1.5 million deaths.
Half of US People in 2020: I HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO BREATHE AND GO TO A BAR! And don't even think about giving out free money to lazy people who can't work.
Stealing this, with reference, for my FB page
In reply to SVreX (Forum Supporter) :
I'm not sure there is much capitalism left in the American pharmaceutical/insurance/gubmint love triangle. Immunity from any consequences isn't capitalism. And the ability to make a profit isn't a good indicator of a free market.
Subscriber-unavailabile said:
In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :
My whole point is there is only one guarantee in this life, death. I went to 20 funerals before I even graduated, all various ages and various causes.
Fine we can all get the vaccine, but does that automatically guarantee we're all saved and no one will die?
That argument suggests that murder should be legal.
We all die anyway, why not just let the virus kill as many people as we can because I don't think I'll be affected.
If it prevents millions of painful, gasping deaths, I'm down for it.
Again, not saying you're evil, but to me what you're saying could be put in this metaphor: You have a gas leak on your property. It doesn't affect you because you're inside. You don't even know it exists. What you also don't know is that every time someone walks by with a cigarette, they ignite the gas and suffer 3rd degree burns or die painfully. All I'm saying is, "hey, man, I know you didn't know this, but there is a gas leak on your property that has killed 20 people." You haven't ethically killed anyone because you didn't know. If you refuse to address the leak after you know it's killing people, that's a different story.
I'm simply saying that because of how this virus works, it has nothing to do with you or your risk. It has everything to do with how many people you potentially infect unknowningly. You could potentially be carrying a weapon that kills or harms millions of people without even knowing you have it. At the very least, I don't believe that you want to inflict harm on others, am I right?
tuna55 said:
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
US Government to all US industries in 1942: You are hereby ordered to do a complete 180 and start manufacturing guns, tanks, and planes for the war effort. No new cars, RVs, or boats, and the main staple of women's fashion and the one thing that women are expected to wear for simple decency will now be unavailable so we can use the nylon in parachutes. We will give you government money for this.
US industries: berkeley yeah! How many tanks, guns, and planes do you need so all Americans can share in a great victory?
US Government to men in 1942: We need you to enlist and fight this enemy against terrible odds of your survival
US men in 1942: Too late, already did, where's my weapon. I will risk my life for America!
US Government to women in 1942: We need you to stop wearing your undergarments and join the workforce so we can send the men to fight in this American cause. We have set up truckloads of free money for childcare, erected buildings where your children can go free of charge while you work
US Women: Hell yes! Where do I sign up so that we as a unified America can support the effort?
US Government in 2020: We want you to wear a free, harmless piece of paper on your face to prevent 1.5 million deaths.
Half of US People in 2020: I HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO BREATHE AND GO TO A BAR! And don't even think about giving out free money to lazy people who can't work.
Stealing this, with reference, for my FB page
No reference necessary. In fact, I specifically don't post stuff like this on FB because of the E36 M3show. Feel free to steal.
I don't disagree, but we don't always get to have things our way.
There is a scene in the movie "Twister" where the lead character in a pissed off drunken rage defiantly stands in front of an oncoming tornado shaking his fist and cursing out the tornado. He throws his beer bottle at the twister, and it never hits the ground.
I don't think the twister gave a damn about his defiance, nor changed its path because he threw a beer bottle at it.
That's what we sound like sometimes. Cussing and swearing and shaking our fists at the absolutely inevitable.
My idea of living well is not bitching about things that are out of my control to no avail. My idea of living well is to live well WITHIN the circumstances of life, whether I agree with them or not.
SVreX (Forum Supporter) said:
I don't disagree, but we don't always get to have things our way.
There is a scene in the movie "Twister" where the lead character in a kissed off drunken rage defiantly stands in front of an oncoming tornado shaking his fist and cursing out the tornado. He throws his beer bottle at the twister, and it never hits the ground.
I don't think the twister gave a damn about his defiance, nor changed its path because he threw a beer bottle at it.
That's what we sound like sometimes. Cussing and swearing and shaking our fists at the absolutely inevitable.
My idea of living well is not bitching about things that are out of my control to no avail. My idea of living well is to live well WITHIN the circumstances of life, whether I agree with them or not.
This is likely the wisest post in this thread.
12/10/20 1:49 p.m.
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
SVreX (Forum Supporter) said:
I don't disagree, but we don't always get to have things our way.
There is a scene in the movie "Twister" where the lead character in a kissed off drunken rage defiantly stands in front of an oncoming tornado shaking his fist and cursing out the tornado. He throws his beer bottle at the twister, and it never hits the ground.
I don't think the twister gave a damn about his defiance, nor changed its path because he threw a beer bottle at it.
That's what we sound like sometimes. Cussing and swearing and shaking our fists at the absolutely inevitable.
My idea of living well is not bitching about things that are out of my control to no avail. My idea of living well is to live well WITHIN the circumstances of life, whether I agree with them or not.
This is likely the wisest post in this thread.
The two of you are responsible for maybe 85% of the wise that is in this thread.
12/10/20 1:52 p.m.
bobzilla said:
engiekev said:
Subscriber-unavailabile said:
Well y'all can hate me for my views. I'm not an anti vaxer, but I don't want the vaccine because I don't feel the need.
So far around 330,000 people have died out of the what 330 millionish people. Under 70 there's what a 99.8% survival rate. And that's over a 12 month period.
I don't wish death onto anyone or their families, but I'm not scared of it. Yesterday marked 21 years since we buried my 2 year old sister. She died from strangulation on cord from a window blind. So do we all rip out our blinds for safety now?
The death rate in my opinion while sucks, is to me not a super alarming rate. I look at COVID same way I look at driving. I'll take cautions, but there's still risk of death at the end of the day. But maybe we should all give up our cars so there's not a risk?
I just want to live my life, deal with whatever the bitch deals me, and move on.
Just my opinion, y'all can all tell me how I'm evil now
Do you wear a seat belt while driving?
strawman. Seatbelts are required by law.
Lock your doors at night?
Have a savings account?
Check your tire pressure?
Wear a helmet? Steel toed shoes?
Very few living people carelessly disregard their own safety. I'd wear a seatbelt happily, law or not. I suspect most of us would. It's never been more than mildly inconvinient. It has the capability of absolutely saving my life, despite myself never having been in an accident where it has.
In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :
I understand what your saying. But peanuts kill people too.
In reply to Subscriber-unavailabile :
So, would you (in the present) purposefully put corded blinds in a baby's bedroom? Despite having first hand knowledge of their dangers, warnings of their dangers from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CPSC, the huge warning labels all over them, and the fact that cordless blinds and shades are commonplace and readily available?
In reply to newrider3 :
Yes I would. Like I've stated before unfortunate E36 M3 happens all the time. Kid could pull their own sock off and choke on it.
Would you stop driving your car if you get into a wreck? Do you make sure the water your drinking isn't from a bpa free bottle? Maybe we should cut down all the trees, one might fall and kill someone. Maybe we should ban and make illegal all food products known to kill people.
As much as we all want to control what happens to us in life, there's a lot of it that we can't.
12/10/20 2:33 p.m.
Subscriber-unavailabile said:
In reply to newrider3 :
As much as we all want to control what happens to us in life, there's a lot of it that we can't.
But this one you can control. I agree that you should try and ignore what you cant control, but you have a vaccine here.
I really do not like to force things on people, and I would not force anyone to get the vaccine, but your statements about the blinds is not sitting well with me as the father of 3 kids. Especially since you have first hand experience with it.
Hearing your sister's accident shook me up honestly.
Subscriber-unavailabile said:
In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :
I understand what your saying. But peanuts kill people too.
Exactly! And once you discover that they are deadly for your best friend, do you intentionally booby trap his cupcake with peanut butter? Do you serve him dinner without checking the labels to make sure it doesn't contain peanuts?
What you're suggesting with your approach to C19 is like saying "I'm not allergic to peanuts so I don't have to worry about what I serve to my guests, 40% of whom may be allergic and die if I'm careless."