Georgia is running a 1A for medical workers, front line emergency workers, and those over 65. Apparently anyone over 65 and their care-takers can schedule a dose now, but they are currently scheduling for late January.
On the bright side, 1B includes essential infrastructure and manufacturing, so I can probably get a pass because we make disinfectants. Maybe I'll be eligible in a few weeks. My wife works for a company that makes roofing, and they were "essential" enough to keep running all year so maybe she can get in too.
Then there's the 1C group, then the 2 and the 3.
I wonder if West Virginia will get to 25% vaccination by the end of the month. That would allow us to see whether there's any effect on transmission or not. If so, we should really redirect more doses to them - they have been using them more efficiently than any other state, with 70% of doses supplied already injected.
Yes, if you want to complain to your state legislator or governor, you can send them a postcard with the question "Why are we losing to West Virginia?" That should get some attention.
I just got off a project meeting where they will probably want me back in NH although it's all heavily C-19 dependent. I had a "necessary worker" travel exemption in the Spring/Summer of 2020 so I could be on site, so something like that might push me ahead in line. Who knows... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it and right now I don't even know if the bridge is under construction yet.
1/11/21 1:52 p.m.
MI is supposed to be in phase 1B starting today. But my wife, who is a teacher, is struggling to find any concrete information and it appears neither the county she works in, nor the county we live in is caught up with phase 1A and neither appear to be allowing anyone to make apointments... So, still waiting.
This is how you do it.
28 large scale vaccination hubs across the state. 206 smaller locations in rural areas. The website to sign up for vaccinations is already up and running and times are being scheduled. I will be signed up as soon as I get home and get my insurance information. CVS and Walgreens continues to visit nursing homes and assisted living facilities on a daily basis. Nobody has to clog up the hospitals and doctor's offices that are already overrun with infected people and everybody else who is sick. The whole thing is based on public/private partnerships.
bobzilla said:
03Panther said:
wae said:
In reply to Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) :
We were talking about that a couple pages back. TL;DR is that news writers bungle the nuance of science and the real issue is that while they don't see why it wouldn't prevent transmission they do not yet have data from a completed and replicated experiment that proves or disproves that hypothesis.
I got caught up in that originally, too.
I read on that some as well. As you mentioned, there has not been enough time to know either way. A guess in either direction, is to early to say definitively.
That's why I feel that anyone that wants it, should get it as soon as it is made available to them. We need the information !
so that's a definitely maybe sorta maybe not.
I'm not sure what you quoted here, or what you meant. Does your ambiguous statement actually relate to one of the quotes, in some way I'm too dense to see? If so, which one?
Just got an email tonight that says we are close to getting our shots.
WilD said:
But my wife, who is a teacher, is struggling to find any concrete information and it appears neither the county she works in, nor the county we live in is caught up with phase 1A and neither appear to be allowing anyone to make apointments... So, still waiting.
kinda the same story here in MN. My wife is a teacher also..
I have an appointment for 1/26
Went back for my second shot. THEY HAD RUN OUT. The nurse said something about the needles being larger with the second shipment and they didn't realize they were going through it faster until too late. Now the new vaccine shipments coming in are Moderna (vs the Pfizer that I had with my first shot). I may have to start over again, mixing different experimental vaccines. Yay.
AAZCD (Forum Supporter) said:
Went back for my second shot. THEY HAD RUN OUT. The nurse said something about the needles being larger with the second shipment and they didn't realize they were going through it faster until too late. Now the new vaccine shipments coming in are Moderna (vs the Pfizer that I had with my first shot). I may have to start over again, mixing different experimental vaccines. Yay.
Update... I had been scheduled for last Sunday. I just had a phone call saying they are getting some Pfizer vaccine tomorrow and I will get my second dose 'within the window'. Yay.
1/12/21 11:07 a.m.
Story of my life
Been working essential service since this all started. According to the Ontario calculator my age and job put me 6 million people into the line.
Going to retire in two weeks, That puts me 12 million people into the line.
God hates me.
In reply to AAZCD (Forum Supporter) :
I really hope they are going by volume and not needle size. That seems sketchy.
Glad you were able to sort out your second dose. Watch really closely how many ml they give you 
No Time
1/12/21 12:19 p.m.
Not meant to flounder, just an observation, and semi related since children seem to fall in the middle of the groupings for receiving the vaccine.
I was just watching the recent news conference from the CDC and it appears the enrollment is slow for the Moderna clinical trial for 12 to <18 year olds.
They have only enrolled 800 participants in the last month, while adult trials for Sanofi are enrolling 800 per day. If they aren't able to complete the trial before they get to the group with adolescents, then there may need to be additional changes in the plan.
In reply to NOHOME :
Any way to push back retirement "to close up a few loose ends" for a couple of months?
I got my second Pfizer shot yesterday afternoon, I feel fine this morning, just a little soreness in my arm but even that has mostly gone away. One of my coworkers got her second shot monday afternoon and couldn't make it in on Tuesday - she was really tired, her whole body hurt and she had a bad headache. She said Tylenol cleared things up pretty quickly aside from the fatigue, but she had to take it every few hours all day to keep the aches away. The other few people in my department who have gotten the second shot have mostly just had a dull headache and were tired, all easily managed with Tylenol.
For those who have had the shot/shots - did you get a notification from your doctor or health service to come in? It wil be a while yet, but I'm curious how I'll know when it's my turn.
1/13/21 11:22 a.m.
Got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine yesterday. Arm is slightly sore, that's it. I'm sad to say I don't seem to have gotten any super powers from it tho.
Stuart, no notifications given to me, I had to actively search for it for myself and my staff.
stuart in mn said:
For those who have had the shot/shots - did you get a notification from your doctor or health service to come in? It wil be a while yet, but I'm curious how I'll know when it's my turn.
Check your state health department website. I was able to find the link for my county and fill out a form stating that I'm interested in getting vaccinated. You fill out info like how old you are, your risk factors, what your job is, etc. I assume they use that to categorize you. They're supposed to email/call me when my time comes. I'm in Michigan, but I assume other states are doing it that way, too.
Dollar General to pay staff 1/2 day to get the vaccine. I expect to see more of this and from a business perspective makes all the sense in the world.
Just something to think about, but I hear there are some reports drifting around the global medical community about NSAIDs like Motrin, Aleve and others possibly interfering with the effectiveness of the vaccine. Throughout the pandemic there have been reports that taking NSAIDs can lower your resistance to infection by the virus, and worsen the the intensity. It looks like that detrimental effect may be something that needs to be considered with the vaccine too. Likely some mechanism in how the anti-inflammatory properties limit the immune system's response and ability to generate the antibodies as efficiently.
Note, there's not enough evidence to be conclusive by any means, but there's been enough continued instances that it keeps being discussed.
Anyway, something to consider. I've switched to acetaminophen for aches and pains just to play it safe.
Supposedly I'm now eligible in NY, time to find out what I can and get it done. If my MIL hadn't moved I would just ask her. She was a public health nurse for our county and the COVID Tzar in the health department.
In reply to ultraclyde (Forum Supporter) :
I wish acetaminophen worked for me. Most days it doesn't even dull the pain in my knees. Hell, even NSAIDS don't do a lot
In reply to Brian(formerly neon4891) :
The NYS website is pretty straight forward. I scheduled my appointment right through it once they got it running