Here's a video that claims to pronouce difficult cars names correctly. Many are different than I've heard before. Just curious, I'm not likely to be sitting in an Italian restaurant surrounded by dozens of Italian men anytime soon . . . or German, or Chinese.
So what say you, did he get them right?
Did you notice that the voice was computer-generated? My guess is its a spoof on funny computer pronunciations of words.
I know for a fact that the Gallardo is the name of a famous spanish fighting bull. Gallardo is a Castillian surname and (in spain) would be pronounced guy-AR-do, not GAY-ar-do as that video suggests.
But, if you go to Italy and say Guyardo in reference to a Lambo, they'll laugh at you. In Italian, the double-L is pronounced like, well, a double L. Any doubled letters in Italian are lengthened, or given a bit of a pause.
For that matter, that video suggests that Lamborghini is pronounced Lam-bor-jee-nee. Never in Italian is a "gh" combination said like a "J".
The Murcielago can go either way. The "ci" combination can be pronounced like "see" as in cimbalo, cinturo, and others. The "ci" combination can also be pronounced like "Chee" in places like Ciabata, Cioppino, or fettuccine. Most of the time, if the "ci" is followed with a vowel, its pronounced "chee" and if followed by a consonant, "see." But, that's not a rule.
curtis73 wrote:
The Murcielago can go either way. The "ci" combination can be pronounced like "see" as in cimbalo, cinturo, and others. The "ci" combination can also be pronounced like "Chee" in places like Ciabata, Cioppino, or fettuccine. Most of the time, if the "ci" is followed with a vowel, its pronounced "chee" and if followed by a consonant, "see." But, that's not a rule.
The problem is, you keep going back to Italian. Almost everything in the history of Lamborghini has been named after Spanish words.
Murcielago is Spanish for "Bat". Mur-thee-ay-lago. Most Spanish speakers in Spain have developed a lisp on S, C, and Z sounds.
For example, the track "Jerez de la Frontera" is pronounced "Hare-eth"
That was funny. I liked the compilation at the end.
3/25/12 11:41 a.m.
curtis73 wrote:
Did you notice that the voice was computer-generated? My guess is its a spoof on funny computer pronunciations of words.
Computer voice mispronounced "don't" at the beginning of the video.
Maroon92 wrote:
curtis73 wrote:
The Murcielago can go either way. The "ci" combination can be pronounced like "see" as in cimbalo, cinturo, and others. The "ci" combination can also be pronounced like "Chee" in places like Ciabata, Cioppino, or fettuccine. Most of the time, if the "ci" is followed with a vowel, its pronounced "chee" and if followed by a consonant, "see." But, that's not a rule.
The problem is, you keep going back to Italian. Almost everything in the history of Lamborghini has been named after Spanish words.
Murcielago is Spanish for "Bat". Mur-thee-ay-lago. Most Spanish speakers in Spain have developed a lisp on S, C, and Z sounds.
For example, the track "Jerez de la Frontera" is pronounced "Hare-eth"
I agree entirely... but in Italy, they rarely use the Spanish pronunciation. They pronounce it in their phonetic language paradigm.
The correct pronunciation of Hyundai isn't HUN-day, its Hyun-DYE. But if you walk into a dealership and ask for a Hyun-dye, they'll look at you pretty funny.
I was approaching it as how they actually pronounce it at the Lambo factory... how they intended it to be called.
... But you are right concerning the Spanish pronunciation.
Oh jeez I nearly threw up my lunch I laughed so hard XD