The headphone jack on my phone is all corroded. It's both the female end on the phone and male end on the headphones. Is there a good way to clean this out? Would replacing the cheap earbuds (with phone controls) help?
This is probably a result from being in my pocket and getting sweated on while I'm exercising. I'm having increasing difficulties listening to music, because the jack isn't just an output, it is also meant to be able to pause/play and adjust volume. A couple weeks ago the pause/play button on the headphones would randomly switch to adjusting the volume instead. Today, it started just randomly turning the volume of my music all the way down or all the way up without me touching anything.
WWGRMD? I do not want to buy a new phone right now. There is a better solution.
9/20/16 5:00 p.m.
I heard that the new iPhone fixed this problem
Joking aside, bluetooth headphones are probably the easy button here. That or pulling the phone apart and replacing the jack - level of difficulty largely dictated by the model of phone.
I too would recommend Bluetooth headset if you wish to not have to open up the handset.
It will cost you more than cheap ear buds but cost less than replacing the handset.
I've had luck using 91% isopropyl alcohol on a torn off cotton swab. So it's basically the shaft from the swab with a tiny bit of cotton on it and then dipped in alcohol. Shove it in the headphone jack and twist it a bit then pull it out. repeat a few times and hopefully it will help!
Failing that I bet a repair place could replace it but it'll probably cost close to what a new phone would.
If you can get some good q-tips, and some good cleaner- that can be done. I've done it a few times on my iPhone. The cotton can be shaped a little before putting into the female side of the plug.
It may take quite a few times.
If you can get a small bottle of compressed air- that will help blow it out, too.
As for next time- can you use an armband? Many of those will put the plug facing down- so that it will not fill with sweat so much.
I spent some huge $$ getting a good set of BT headphones. Had to take them back after the first use- they didn't last for my run. Last time I spent anything more than a little bit for headphones.
9/21/16 12:33 p.m.
Deoxit D5, works like magic and you can use to clean the volume controls on your old stereo equipment.
This thread is quite timely.
for the last couple days I have been having horrible audio cut in and out on all calls on my cell. I think I have finally diagnosed it to be junk in the headphone jack tricking the phone into thinking I have plugged headphones in and out ad nauseum.
I even think i have one of those toothbrushes for cleaning!
Any recommendations on modestly priced bluetooth earbuds?