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minimac Dork
7/22/08 8:40 a.m.

What's a Danica? And what is this IRL you speak of?

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/22/08 9:07 a.m.
Chris_V wrote:
John Brown wrote: I think both are useless, throw Fischer in there as well. Of cousre they are all better drivers than I am (and probably most of you) BUT the fact that they can't act like PROFESSIONALS (Fischers tear fest when wrecking her last chassis, the dozen aired fights Patrick has been in and the amazing mediocrity of Duno and her inability to remove herself from the line when she can't hold speed) I don't know E36 M3 but I can tell you unless we are judging drivers by their racks, these three don't cut it... And for the record both Wall-E and I have better racks than 66% of this grouping.
Well, in that case we can call all drivers who don't finish in the top 10 regularly useless. In fact, lets simply do away with any driver that isn't in the top three in ALL forms of racing. That'll make sure only USEFUL drivers are racing. Sheesh.

There are usefull back markers in racing. PROFESSIONALS that aren't there for their ta-tas. If your job was to show up, lose 10 positions and hand the car off to someone that can get you a podium finish it means you are there for PR. If that car can be that fast with your "Back Up" driver why can you hold position in it?

Sarah HAD talent, she should NEVER have taken on an ownership role. It has diminished her concentration.

Danica should go race NASCAR where a little bumping can be absorbed by the car. It seems any time anyone is within a car length of her in a pressure situation there always seems to be a spoiler ripped off a car.

neon4891 HalfDork
7/22/08 9:25 a.m.
SoloSonett wrote: And what we need now is .. tear away fire suits for on camera Cat Fights! Now we're talking ratings! That will surpass the WWE of racing aka NASCAR

So I'm not the only one thinking that

triumph7 New Reader
7/22/08 9:58 a.m.

Actually Duno's team may be more at fault than she is for her lack of speed. She always seemed to do well in Daytona Prototypes.

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/22/08 10:06 a.m.

I have more respect for Fisher, then Duno and VERY little for Danica with these...

scotaku New Reader
7/22/08 1:01 p.m.

I thought "a win is a win" around here? I suppose that's why there's been no comment or thread about Hamilton chopping Massa and Piquet on Sunday. Fact is, Milka has more wins and more experience than Danica in more than the IRL. If it wasn't for either of their Y chromosome deficiencies, this wouldn't be news.

racerdave600 New Reader
7/22/08 1:48 p.m.
scotaku wrote: I thought "a win is a win" around here? I suppose that's why there's been no comment or thread about Hamilton chopping Massa and Piquet on Sunday. Fact is, Milka has more wins and more experience than Danica in more than the IRL. If it wasn't for either of their Y chromosome deficiencies, this wouldn't be news.

Except Milkas wins weren't really her wins. Her co-drivers always had to make up for the "damage" she had done in her stints. This is the first "sprint" racing she has done in the US that I'm aware of, and her lack of ability is showing. She was off the pace in Grand Am just like IRL, and people forget she was more or less a moving chicane in that series too. Also don't forget that they didn't rely on her for setup information there, where currently, that's not the case.

When it was announced she was coming to IRL, there was almost a revolt by the other drivers to keep her out. In Grand Am you spend your time on a road course, in the IRL the ovals can hurt or kill you and there simply is no reason for a subpar driver to be there. She may be a nice person, but they should have put her in a ladder series open wheeler for a few seasons first. But just like everything else, when someone is paying big money, that ends up as the most important aspect.

neon4891 HalfDork
7/22/08 10:40 p.m.
John Brown wrote: I have more respect for Fisher, then Duno and VERY little for Danica with these...

but would you turn down a chance of winner on top with any of them...providing you are in a situation (read, not in a relationship) where you could take advantage of it?


Jensenman SuperDork
7/23/08 11:26 a.m.

One way of looking at this: Danica's driving skills (fuss all you want, but she obviously has to have some skills for a team owner to risk putting her in a very expensive car) have put her in a position to make herself comfortable for life by capitalizing on her looks, fame, notoriety, call it what you will. Given the same opportunity, would any of us turn down the chance to make a lot of $$$? I don't think I would.

Salanis Dork
7/23/08 11:34 a.m.

For the amount of money she must have been paid, I'd dress up in a red bikini and drape myself provocatively across the front of a car.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
7/23/08 11:37 a.m.
Salanis wrote: For the amount of money she must have been paid, I'd dress up in a red bikini and drape myself provocatively across the front of a car.

People get paid for doing that? Damn.

Salanis Dork
7/23/08 11:41 a.m.
Tim Baxter wrote: People get *paid* for doing that? Damn.

The big money is in tricking people to do that, and then getting them to pay you to never release the pictures.

By the way, if you're a week late on your next installment, my friend "Vinny" will be showing up with a Makita and an old timing belt...

GlennS HalfDork
7/23/08 12:02 p.m.

Am i the only one here who thinks that either of those girls would probable look better wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. I dont find any of those pictures to be very flattering.

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/23/08 12:05 p.m.

Among the reasons I chose them ;)

Type Q
Type Q Reader
7/23/08 4:35 p.m.

Danika Patrick has done one thing for me that I have never been able to accomplish on my own; get my wife to watch a race with me. My wife has always viewed my motorsports passion as a "Guy Thing" that I do with my male friends. She has come out to watch the occassional autocross and been to a couple of ALMS races when we had a group of gear heads and significant others along. But never has she watched something on TV just with me. Seeing a women in a professinal racing series who can consistently run in the top 10 seems to have made it more intersting and accessable for her.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/24/08 2:11 a.m.
Type Q wrote: But never has she watched something on TV just with me. Seeing a women in a professinal racing series who can consistently run in the top 10 seems to have made it more intersting and accessable for her.

My wife wants to know how they got unchained from their stoves.

aussiesmg HalfDork
7/24/08 8:07 a.m.

Oh man you had better hope she never reads that....

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/24/08 8:32 a.m.

She can't the computer is another 20 feet past the bathroom.

(puts on helmet and ducks)

yo vanilla
yo vanilla New Reader
7/24/08 8:10 p.m.

I for one sure hope it gets NASCAR-ified. I've been looking for something to prove once and for all that nothing is really sacred anymore.


Osterkraut Reader
7/24/08 8:57 p.m.

A challenger appears!

Yeah, I'm into drag queens.

neon4891 HalfDork
7/25/08 12:12 a.m.

^I was waiting for ashley force to be mentioned^

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/25/08 1:49 a.m.
Osterkraut wrote: A challenger appears! Yeah, I'm into drag queens.

No more calls please, we have a winner

kpm New Reader
7/25/08 9:34 a.m.

Forgotten in all of this is...Katherine Legge. Probably the best driver of them all.

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/25/08 9:45 a.m.

No not forgotten, the thread was about IRL and the drama queens it has running in it (as far as DQs go Marco Andretti is among them.

Did you see the Indy uniform?)

Anyway there are fantastic women in motorsports, I just feel Danica needs to move right over to Joe Gibbs Racing right now.

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