Insert silly things that make you scratch your head here when you find the oddest misconceptions on craigslist or its counterparts.
91 Ranger
There is also a medium-sized dent in the back side where we backed the van into it. It has never been in an accident and has very good tires

Maybe they backed the van into it on purpose?
always love the variations on" Runs fine, will need some engine work though"
whats really awesome are the 90' away cell phone thumbnail pic thats sideways, ad they say something like "its the car behind the truck in the picture"
Osterkraut wrote:
Maybe they backed the van into it on purpose?
making their own variation of flare sides is no accident, it's a personal statement.
Apparently, if it wasn't moving at the's not considered to be " an accident".
I'll have to see if that works with any insurance companies.
But I really like how the engine of a truck ( I would assume wasn't running while being towed) got damaged.
11/9/11 11:04 a.m.
My favorites are the ones which feature pictures of the vehicle in the snow and the words: Never seen the snow
One very specific and horrific memory was on a Corvette ad. My bud was looking for that early third gen with the chrome bumpers. This 71 had a weird photo, like it was cropped poorly, because it had gray on the front and back where you would expect the front and the rear of the car to be.
We called the guy:
"How are the bumpers? Can't really make them out in the photo"
"oh they're fine. Actually there is a slight amount of damage to the area around the bumpers, the fiberglass has some stress cracks. Also, the bumpers aren't on the car. And actually, I lost them a few years ago. And the fiberglass surround is missing."
11/9/11 11:08 a.m.
I love how speeeling does net kount on craigslist "new breaks" "slight fule leak" "valv cover gaskat"
4cylndrfury wrote:
1 word: Camero
LOL! 10 times a day.
I found a great one locally but lost the screen shot of it but the ad was for an 81 Fiat Fiero, Runs but does not car.
11/9/11 1:22 p.m.
"I inserts first owner"
A little TMI for a craigslist ad...
Omitting "to be".
Car needs painted. Maybe needs rebuilt, but turns over. Plugs need changed.
that MG sounds right... it's VERY small compared to new cars.. so it MUST be a midget, right?
11/13/11 10:34 a.m.
"Omitting "to be". That is a geographic thing. Where I grew up, NE Ohio, that was accepted standard speech. Except that the car needs worshed.
11/13/11 1:35 p.m.
A few more details would be nice-
Good clean engine. It runs GREAT, i just upgraded my engine so just looking to get rid of it.Im asking $500 or best offer. Contact Me at 561-598-0718 Joe
cwh wrote:
"Omitting "to be". That is a geographic thing. Where I grew up, NE Ohio, that was accepted standard speech. Except that the car needs worshed.
Don't forget to check the earl.
Way to be discriptive! Great picture too!
96 eclispe bad transmission thanks
Sometimes I get frustrated seeing all of the great deals that people get on here. People buying drivable Miatas for $1k and such...
How's this for a deal:
1994 mazda miata - $1200 (Gonzales)
I think it's a grand overpriced.
Hell, here's a much newer car with the same miles for a hundred less.
99 Miata - $1100 (Zachary)
the title of the ad is "nissan"
this is the ad verbatim:
"grea car"
no punctuation, no "t", no information, no capital letters, but it's $500 and it's in greenville!
1992 SVX, $5400
92 Subaru svx engine knock, other than that it's in fantastic cosmetic and interior shape.
Really? $5400?
KBB says that this should rank as poor. They don't price poor, so hey, $1700 or less, assuming their estimate of mileage.
Excellent is still under $3000.
KBB also says that a running 1.8t Passat should be about $400. A W8 Passat (They're like S4s, but they replace turbo lag with V8 noises!) should be about $2-3k. Yeah, good luck finding one that cheap.
I wants me a W8 Passat with the greatest of urgency. No, I've never been accused of being right in the head.
It always gets me when people sell things that have a size and don't mention it. "Four tires. Fits a Chevy." (At least the guy selling "Firestone Blizzaks" knew what size they were)
Literacy Study
That link goes to a USA Today article, the gist is that 1 in 7 adults in the US can't really read. I think some of what we're seeing in these ads is a reflection of that. It's sad and it does not bode well for our economy as the sorts of jobs were minimal literacy was acceptable continue to disappear.