At this link, at the time of posting, are Craigslist search results that show two results. Both show what appears to be the same RX7. The first one lists the car for $1800 on May 4. The second lists the car for $2200 on May 6, admitting they "only had car two days."
It does look like a nice car, I wonder if the second seller thought it was underpriced, or if there's something really wrong with the car, or if they really don't like it.
In reply to mmosbey:
Maybe his wife looked up some old crash test results.
I suspect his wife just said, "no, you can not have it."
If he was trying to profit, I think he would have gone higher and not disclosed he just bought it.
Contact guy one and find out what he sold it for and offer that to guy two.
well 1800 + Title + Ins = ???
I usually see the "same" car offered on CL's in my area, by the same owner days apart, with escalating prices.
Some folks (apparently?) figure that if they get no bites on a car or truck for $3,500 it's going to sell if they raise the price to $5,000.
I've even seen folks post nearly identical ads on the same day (minutes/hours? apart) with different prices.
He probably will negotiate down, and is asking a little higher as he expects to have to drop the price.