Uninsured punk in a fox Mustang backed into the 5; $1600 worth of busted bumper and wrinkled sheetmetal for me, $5 worth of rubbing compound for him.
The admin lady at work that nobody likes deleted a 40+ page doc 3 months and didn't tell anybody, I have to re-write the whole thing.
Now a major retraining plan that I've been working on for 3 months got rejected and the state is sending the client to a different firm over a shaky reasoning that my boss put in.
Well, look at it this way. Next week almost has to be better.

It's so bad I'm not even going to start the 944! 
Our hospital bills came in for the baby. Apparently they are so bad my wife won't even tell me the damn number.
Ask the hospital if they have a return policy. It might be worth it for a laugh.
That sucks.
What really sucks is we have double insurance (and mine is wicked-awesome retired military I-never-pay-a-dime insurance).
I have to pick my Mother up from the airport in an hour for a 5-day stay, too.

It's SWMBO's MIL, so either way I'm (not) boned?!?
All I want to do is drown in beer.
OK, maybe next week isn't looking so good either. 
There's always the one after that. 
Javelin wrote:
All I want to do is drown in beer.
Not possible, but oh
So fun to try!
Bonus side effect:
The ability to extinguish huge fires!
Javelin wrote:
Now a major retraining plan that I've been working on for 3 months got rejected and the state is sending the client to a different firm over a shaky reasoning that my boss put in.
They aren't going to try to pin that on you, will they?
Hang in there man, it's got to get better at some point! 
Now that's resilient, ECM.
2/15/12 11:22 p.m.
mistanfo wrote:
Javelin wrote:
All I want to do is drown in beer.
Not possible, but oh
So fun to try!
Bonus side effect:
The ability to extinguish huge fires!
Take off, eh.
Javelin, take a deep breath and slowly let it out. All of this is just stuff and irritation. Your bride and child are both well, you have a roof over your head and cool cars to play with. And a bunch of Internet friends who will listen and try to cheer you up when you need to blow up :)
...and when you eventually tell off the people at work who oh so deserve it, and get fired, we will buy your cars so you dont have to sell the house
JK man, things will turn around. My advice, hide $5 bills randomly in jacket pockets in the closet. Then when you find one, its GUARANTEED to be a good day. No one starts off a sentence like, "what a craaaaapy day, first I found this fiver in my jacket, then..."
I think Gearhead meant to say, "That's the Spirit, ECM!" (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Javelin, on the whole mother thing, remember that you are the least important thing on your Mom's mind if she's visiting the baby. This means you can rant about work and basically nobody will notice – which can be good or bad, depending. Just be ready for some weird dynamics in the house.
But Pigeon's right: the big things are pretty much OK even if the other things kinda suck. Look into your child's face and see how much you really care about that dumb report.
Just found out, all the work I had been doing all week is basically wrong. Have to go back thru and update. On top of that, I cant wake up. Tried coffee, energy drink, nothing will do it. GGGRRRRRRR!!!! Cant wait for this weekend!
If it makes you feel any better, the Mazda dealership raped me for $448.37 for 64 nuts, bolts, and washers.
I gave them a 2/10, made me feel better.
Make sure you call the insurance companies to see what is covered. I know when our son was born, we'd get bills, then the insurance statement, more bills, and more insurance statements and so on. It was a good three months before we knew exactly what we owed.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
If it makes you feel any better, the Mazda dealership raped me for $448.37 for 64 nuts, bolts, and washers.
I gave them a 2/10, made me feel better.
Ok, that made me laugh after the other thread. And I think you were totally justified in doing so!
HiTempguy wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
If it makes you feel any better, the Mazda dealership raped me for $448.37 for 64 nuts, bolts, and washers.
I gave them a 2/10, made me feel better.
Ok, that made me laugh after the other thread. And I think you were totally justified in doing so!
Yeah, i was just buying parts, but i demanded that they give me a service survey because my butt hurt so badly.
sachilles wrote:
Make sure you call the insurance companies to see what is covered. I know when our son was born, we'd get bills, then the insurance statement, more bills, and more insurance statements and so on. It was a good three months before we knew exactly what we owed.
And since you are Tricare, they aren't known for paying quickly. Tricare Prime is my primary health insurance/provider.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
If it makes you feel any better, the Mazda dealership raped me for $448.37 for 64 nuts, bolts, and washers.
I gave them a 2/10, made me feel better.
Seriously LOL'd at my desk at the 2/10 comment! 
Javelin - sorry to hear about the troubles, but it sounds like you already have a decent perspective on it. I've had some similar experiences, at least in the job arena where it seems no matter how hard you work to further a company it gets squashed by the failings of others. I just try to tell myself I'm happy that I have a paycheck this month.
Anyway, as long as we're commiserating I'll throw my latest aggravation into the ring as well. Let's talk "crappy".
Our 100lb German shepherd has had "the splatters" on and off for a month now. We take care of him pretty good, change is diet accordingly, had parasite tests done, etc. I was sure he was finally ok since he hadn't had any problems in over a week. On Sunday morning he was, shall we say, "solid", so we left for church and grocery shopping.
Of course you know where this is going. Came back that day and had to use a squeegee to clean up our bedroom floor. It was so awful I actually gagged as my eyes watered. Our heating bill probably went up $25 that day because we HAD to open up all the doors and windows . . . for hours.
At this point, we didn't want to mess around with his health in case there was a deeper problem so we had almost every test possible done by the vet. X-rays, ultrasound, blood work, etc.
So in the end we paid around $850 to find out he's the most healthy 10yr old shepherd they ever did see. No explanation for the green apple splatters. GAAAAHH!!!
Jav, looks like you picked the wrong week to quite sniffing airplane glue.