I've been in Columbia SC for ~1 year now and I have noticed something: the traffic around here is nothing like Charleston or Atlanta etc but DAYUMN the drivers are AWFUL. They are militantly bad; I have seen some jaw dropping amazingly stupid moves, along with at least 4 midday drunks and two near miss roadrage incidents which I did NOT instigate in any way. I thought Chucktown drivers were bad but I have had more close calls here in 1 year than in 20 in Charleston.
Over the last year, I have driven to Kershaw a few times from Atlanta which means driving through Columbia. You are not lying about how E36 M3ty the drivers are in that area. I just generally have more issues with drivers as soon as I hit the SC border. It seems to be the rednecks driving like E36 M3 until I hit the Columbia area, then it turns into the thug jackasses driving like E36 M3. 
I feel the same way when I drive to San Diego.
The drivers in Savannah took the prize from me for E36 M3ty driving recently.
cue wherever I'm from or been, it's definitely worse than anything YOU have seen, as well our roads, etc etc

Michigan has a lot of pot holes. Florida has a lot of inattentive older drivers
Blah blah blah Ohio blah blah blah.
Los Angeles
I'm constantly amazed that so many people can drive with their heads that far up their a$$s....
I should go into business selling glass belly button polish and snorkles so they can see better and breath.