Since I know most of you wear foil hats (because they are fun & stylish) I'd like to ask for your help.
I'm doing a short video for my customers on getting & keeping high credit scores and I wanted to do a short Billy Crystal type bit to break up a very boring subject.
I'm not much on conspiracy theories or even wacko ideas but have any of you heard any good ones about credit that might be funny for me to use?
I'm thinking I'll dress up and play different "people on the street" interviews.
Yes, the things I do and call work.
This makes me think of the last 10 minutes of Fight Club.
no tin foil hat chat is complete w/o the Bildebergers, Trilateral Commission and NWO for starters
fasted58 wrote:
no tin foil hat chat is complete w/o the Bildebergers, Trilateral Commission and NWO for starters
It wouldn't surprise me if some of the guys on the board of directors at bigger banks really are members of the Trilateral Commission or get invited to the Bilgerberg Conferences from time to time. That might be good for some tinfoil hattery.
I always envision a board room like in Dr Strangelove where they sit around and plot ways to get kids hooked on credit.
"How about scantily-clad women in college campuses?"
"How about giving away cute bears at the airport?"
Here are a few:
1) Credit companies lower your credit score as soon as they find out you are black (or brown, or live in a certain neighborhood, etc.).
2) If you don't understand what you are borrowing and under what terms, you're a victim of predatory lending.
3) As long as I can afford the payments, I can afford the debt.
4) I paid the right price for the car because the dealer made my payment only $200 more than I told him I could afford.
5) I can trust the car dealer to give me the best interest rate according to my credit standing (and see #4).
And, yes, I am a credit professional.
You honkeys and non-honkeys can thank my racist butt later.
Emergency by Neil Strauss.
pinchvalve wrote:
I always envision a board room like in Dr Strangelove where they sit around and plot ways to get kids hooked on credit.
"How about scantily-clad women in college campuses?"
"How about giving away cute bears at the airport?"
They've already done that and it's since been outlawed. What a shame.
Basil Exposition wrote:
Here are a few:
1) Credit companies lower your credit score as soon as they find out you are black (or brown, or live in a certain neighborhood, etc.).
2) If you don't understand what you are borrowing and under what terms, you're a victim of predatory lending.
3) As long as I can afford the payments, I can afford the debt.
4) I paid the right price for the car because the dealer made my payment only $200 more than I told him I could afford.
5) I can trust the car dealer to give me the best interest rate according to my credit standing (and see #4).
And, yes, I am a credit professional.
See, you are way too rational. That's the kinds of things I think up. I'm wanting some tin foil hat type of stuff. I'm hoping that I can add some levity and somehow use it as a teaching moment.
Stuff more along the lines of the testicle eating fish or the little one that swims up & lodges itself in your manhood.
BUT #2 is basically the present day Congressional definition of predatory lending, that is if you add that "I'm looking for an excuse not to have to pay my loan back."
It's funny how you just HAVE to have something till you've got it. As evidenced by all the "OK I've bought this thing now what do I do with it" threads.
Xceler8x wrote:
You honkeys and non-honkeys can thank my racist butt later.
Emergency by Neil Strauss.
I've got to find a way to quickly get a copy of that so that I can at least let it be seen in the video.
New World Order is good, but what is the name of the group of Jewish (?) Financiers/billionaires that supposedly secretly run the world?
I've heard of Jewish empire builders referred to as Zionists. The definition doesn't fit the word's usage but that doesn't seem to bother some folks who bandy the term around.
You might also be thinking of people who believe in the Illuminati.
It's not the Illuminati, what I'm thinking of has some elements of the NWO, Trilateral Commission and the Bilgerberg Conventions and may have even been the genesis of them. It's been going on since before WWII.
And who's to say those guys are totally wrong - we have the Federal Reserves system, don't we? Wasn't it Rockefeller that said he'd rather control a nation's money supply than be king? Or something like that.
I hate it when I have a brain fart and can dance all around the subject or name I want to recall but seemingly get no closer to my goal.
I've seen the credit card & paying off a mortgage threads, I know there are crazies on this forum, where are you when I need you? When you're in an industry sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.
But those biggies are just the tip of the iceberg of credit misconceptions that many people have. Unfortunately I guess crazy people don't recognize how crazy they sound. Says the crazy guy in the tin foil hat.
You called?
And yes, people going spastic about paying off mortgages asap are crazy. It's a legitimate tool to help someone buy a house, without it, no one would be able to afford a place to live. It is part of the system we live in to HAVE to utilize a mortgage/loan, pretty basic concept.
^What's wrong with trying to pay one off early?
7/10/12 4:19 p.m.
Propetual Motion Machines are real and the Credit Companies are holding them back other wise energy would be free and with free energy, everything else would be super cheap and you wouldn't need credit at all. (Tin foil hats create run on sentences. )
Credit companies check your insurance rating to see how big a risk you are, Insurance companies check your credit rating to see how big a risk you are.
"Here you hold him and I"ll kick him in the nuts." continuousloopiscontinuousloopis...
z31maniac wrote:
^What's wrong with trying to pay one off early?
As some one with a Payed off mortgage I am wondering the same..
Do I need to hurry up and get a mortgage on my house so I can invest that money in something? I mean debts a tool right?
I knew I could count on you guys!
You've inspired me so much that I've decided to actually wear a boat shaped tin foil hat in at least one scene.
Seriously though why is it crazy to pay off a mortgage?
No one said it was crazy, it was just that there were a lot of crazies in that thread.
carguy123 wrote:
It's not the Illuminati, what I'm thinking of has some elements of the NWO, Trilateral Commission and the Bilgerberg Conventions and may have even been the genesis of them. It's been going on since before WWII.
Sorry I was too rational to help otherwise.
Probably has nothing to do with credit.
Oh, and they're not cats, they're otters. The lady who made it is pretty insistent that people understand that for some reason. Perhaps...IT'S A CONSPIRACY!
7/10/12 7:33 p.m.
Some of this is pretty corny, but it's clean, and probably offers enough fodder you can modify a couple and get some decent parody skits:
Credit jokes