curtis73 wrote:
I have to say... one of the best parts of this thread is the chuckles I'm getting from the naysayers. I have been in this relationship very successfully for 20 years, so its not the "boning 2 chicks" that was the downfall.
I will admit to being less than vigilant when it came to the emotional state of me and the wife before we involved an abused third, but polyamory had nothing to do with the problems. In fact, polyamory is part of the reason why we lasted 20 years.
you are being very dishonest with yourself right now... anyone would be given the amount of pain you must be going through....
Look man... Having an open mind means having an open mind!!!! Don't close your mind to old standards simply because you have some weird notion of what is right because you can call it open minded or progressive...
I have found quite often the people who claim their minds are the most open are often very closed up to ideas which differ from there own and admitting that I fall into this trap often also....
Don't be like me... authentically open your mind.. 
Now... Listening to you talk about this third wheel.... YOU ARE NOT putting this person humanly on the same level in the relationship as you place your wife... I am going to go a bit further and say you probably placed yourself in a lower standing than this third wheel from time to time also... This from not only you being manipulated by your wife, but also from you manipulating yourself... Creating these types of levels is a very bad deal....
Hell... I can agree with you it wasn't the "boning two chicks" that actually caused the breakdown of your marriage... It was the very idea that boning tow chicks wouldn't harm the marriage which caused the harm... and that seed was planted long before the third entered your lives.....
When I first encouraged you to not seek the LBGT and "party" scene in this thread it wasn't because I believe all of these people are inherently bad.. It is just that in your current emotional state you are going to do things far outside the realm of what even you define as right and wrong... and even should you leave out the LGBT element, actively seeking the party scene at this fragile point in your life is only going to serve to drag you further down the wrong road....
Here... I'll throw out a "place" suggestion... Lawrence KS. young hip very cool town... seafood is clearly limited and we have winter... but it has everything else you are looking for, and is really a great spot!...
Now... I suggest this place because I have a friend who is the pastor of a very different church... IMO he is off the rails a little bit... But at is his core, and despite our differences he is a very good and very decent man...
If not this... for your own sake find something like this... At least for a little while.... Or maybe not in a church... Just find these kinds of people...... Don't rush out exposing yourself to a scene who at the bottom level is very degenerate... They will take you down with them.. Just pull you right to the very bottom so fast you won't know what hit you....
Please... Understand you shouldn't trust yourself right now... So you must work extra hard at finding the strongest most decent people, and allow them to lift you up... Your version might differ from mine... Heck... It looks like you have a couple offers right here in this thread.... Take them up on it... You know you ain't going to find what you need to heal on Bourbon St......