Didn't know where to put this, not a car, not parts and not Classic.
RACEAIR ZIPSTER UL BIPLANE • $7,900 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE • This is the original Raceair Zipster biplane, A true legal part 103 ultralight aircraft, Has a New Rotax 277 back in its original configuration, currently showing 13hrs on hour meter, Engine starts Quick with a flip of the prop and runs excellent, This plane won at Oshkosh in 2004 when it was completed. Very rare opportunity to own a one of a kind ultralight biplane, overall condition is nice only showing some minor hangar rash over the years, wings are currently off and those pictures are current Serious only please, you can find nice articles / information on the net search Raceair Zipster • Contact Scott Stoinoff located Lawreneburg , IN USA • Telephone: 812 212 0131

The ad doesn't say and I can't tell if the wings and fuse are wrapped or aluminum sheet.

At one time, this design, the rights and the original aircraft were for sale.
914Driver said:
The ad doesn't say and I can't tell if the wings and fuse are wrapped or aluminum sheet.

They claim it a legal part 103, that means a weight limit of 254 lb's. I doubt you'd get away with metal covering and still be legal.
Looks like aluminum cowl and piece between the engine and cockpit. Otherwise, its a lightweight fabric.
It also looks like the prop is pretty dang close to the ground when sitting on its landing gear.
At first, small aircraft were the rich man's only natural predator, but now they're coming for the rest of us! 
Think of it as an open sports car with better scenery. 
God, I want a Pitts even more now.
^Haha my first thought when I saw it was "Hmm, a bargain bin Pitts S2-B..." then I wondered if it would hold up to aerobatic flying.
Well...if you barrel roll perfectly, you stay in 1G. The airplane doesn't know it's upside-down.
That's how Tex Johnston rolled the Dash 80 prototype without pulling the wings off.