After participation in the Bing AI thread on this very forum I was inspired to write a childish book. Not specifically a children's book, but a book for everyone to enjoy that should remind us all of those days learning how to handle ourselves in the shop and even father back that to our days reading Golden Books and the like.
Self published on Amazon, the title officially hit the ground on February 4th.
Should you buy it? I would! Hell I bought one for one of my idols and sent it to his house! Paid retail and all!
So here's the deal, I would love to know if it makes you laugh or even cry. Tell me what you think about it.
There is a FACEBOOK PAGE for F-word thinking individuals like yourself as well as a DIRECT LINK TO THE AMAZON!
Farters day is around the corner, it can be a perfect gift for yourself or others!
Ordered. Says it will be delivered Saturday. I want the physical copy because for some reason holding a book makes me want to read but book on a screen I just find hard to even begin.
Plus if you bring it to the Challenge I can sign it, signing a Kindle is just kind of weird.
Congratulations on being published !!
Got mine today via Amazon, cool book, you should be proud. Amazon did fold it up like a pretzel so I will be asking them to replace it, but at least I got to read it, next copy should be nice and flat!
Edit: After I posted this I did the Amazon return, it took less than 60 seconds, they are sending a replacement and not requiring me to trek through Kohls to return the old one, #win.
I know it isn't War and Peace, but I had a visuon, I started it, finished it and am following through on it.
Also I find it hilarious that in two days I have literally used more words trying to market the book than the book actually contains.
No Time said:
Todays Amazon delivery:

That picture makes a Miata look cool.
Thank you!
My sister lost her mind over the 1957 Bel Air because it reminded her of Dad's

In reply to QuasiMofo (John Brown) :
That is the ultra-rare 56.5 Sprot Coope.
In reply to akylekoz :
Shoot the fact that it had rust and dents on the door was enough for me!
akylekoz said:
In reply to QuasiMofo (John Brown) :
That is the ultra-rare 56.5 Sprot Coope.
with an infiniti emblem and upside down V on the hood
I just ordered one. I've actually bought every book that a friend of mine has written in published that I have known about. Including a couple of textbooks. I've read all of them except the textbooks
In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :
Me too. Here is Gee Wiz written by the professor I worked for at Duke.

I appreciate all of it, truly!
Ordered and received. Congrats on getting published!
John, I had a thought that may enhance sales. If someone wanted a signed copy but aren't going to the Challenge; you ever buy something from Amazon and have it delivered somewhere else?
I buy your book, deliver it to you, you ship it to me; and we all know GRMers are honorable reimbursers and big tippers. Once notified of delivery, we send the cost to ship from Michigan.
c/o J. Brown
P,O, Box #not set up yet.
Wherever, MI 54321
Ordered and shipped to my brother who has 2 kids :)
In reply to 914Driver :
How about something like Autographed copies $12.99 via PayPal Link with address and I ship direct to you? Bonus is it technically saves tax.
(This IS the plan but the books will not be shipped HERE for at least a week)
Would this work?
Much easier for all. Thanks!
914Driver said:
Much easier for all. Thanks!
I will set it up. And let everyone know when the books arrive.
It's fantastic! So I restore old Harley Davidsons for like my zen/serenity thing in the shop and after my daughter read this she said it describes her helping me with the bikes lol. You sir have written a masterpiece.
In reply to RonnieFnD :
Brimming with happiness Ronnie. Truly thank you.