Okay, here's the thread I've been putting off writing for the last couple of hours..
Coming home from work, about 10:40p or so. I'm about 3mi from my Interstate exit, and there's a little pack of slower traffic I'm trying to get around before I get to it. I'm running about 75, and making good progress..when the last guy (newish Dodge pickup truck) I need to get around decides to speed up when I'm half-way around him. In the past, I'd just stomp the throttle and complete the pass, but with Georgia's new "Super Speeder" law, that's no longer an option. He pulls out in front of me, I back off to give him some room..but then he pulls back in. I'm really watching this guy, wondering if he's drunk.
He's got somebody slow in front of him, and pulls out in front of me (again!)..but then pulls back in (to the right) just as I'm about to back out of the throttle. I'm almost straight staring at him, trying to figure out what he's up to..
I don't know what the debris was, but it was big enough to pop the right side wheels in the air. I back off to about 60, wiggle the steering enough to insure it's still connected, and ease the car over to the right lane (the I-state is 3 lanes wide). It's only about a mile to my exit, there's no obvious Strange Noises(tm) so I just nurse it along (thankfully, behind a semi only going about 60) until I can get it off the road.
I get the car stopped, and discover the front bumper cover underneath the car, behind the front wheels. Right side fender flare (stock plastic one) is missing. Right side headlight lens is cracked. Both front parking/turn signal sockets are hanging out of the holes in the bumper frame (strangely enough, the one on the right still has a bulb in it). I throw what's left of my bumper cover into the passenger seat, and hit the QuickTrip store on my exit. There's three other people there that have hit the same thing. One's got a bent steelie rim, one's cursing a busted headlight, and another's calling her husband because she wants to have the thing towed home.
Moral of the story? At night, at least...on the street, let the morons go. Lift big, if you can do so without having someone behind you pop your backside. You can't look far enough down the road, especially on low-beams, to avoid hazards if you're looking at the idiot beside you, and wondering what they're going to do next.
On a related note, when I had the nose of this car restored a couple of years ago, I was told that the bumper cover & flares were just about the last ones left in the Southeast. Anybody got any of the A2 Golf/Jetta "big bumper" pieces laying around that you'd like to sell? And I need a set of the factory fog lights, too. One's got a hole the size of a 50-cent piece, and the other one's broken in half.
Sigh...I was just beginning to make some progress with this car.