I am slightly less of a fat bastard. I've lost 33 lbs in the last 3 weeks
Oh, so the correct way to lose weight. I guess I'll have to get a refund on my Lipozene
Seriously, thats awesome progress. I told myself that if I got promoted and got this upcoming assignment, I'd really work at getting back into shape. I was at 199.4lbs this morning. I'm 5ft 9in. I need to be around 170lbs.
Do you feel better? More energy?
Edit: Oh wait, I misread your post. Damn man, maybe a vacation is in order?
There's nothing to ramp down, the stress is here for the foreseeable future. I work outside in the heat doing manual labor installing hitches, running boards, bedliners and other accessories. I'm not hungry when I get home, I drink at least 2 big bottles of gatorade a day while working so I'm not dehydrated
I work outside everyday as well. I'm 6'2" and when I started my job I was around 220 lbs out of shape mess. After the first year or so I was down to an in shape 180-185 lbs in good shape thanks to some jogging on weekends and slow or cooler days.
At least eat a Cliff bar or something around lunch time. I try to snack a little throughout the day, to can only loose so much weight before it will catch out out man.
Lancer007 wrote: I work outside everyday as well. I'm 6'2" and when I started my job I was around 220 lbs out of shape mess. After the first year or so I was down to an in shape 180-185 lbs in good shape thanks to some jogging on weekends and slow or cooler days. At least eat a Cliff bar or something around lunch time. I try to snack a little throughout the day, to can only loose so much weight before it will catch out out man.
Trust me, you weren't an out of shape mess at 6'2 220. Try being 6'1 293(fat bastard) as of a little under 4 weeks ago. Stepped in the scale at 260 on the nose this afternoon.
My problem is I'm not one of those people who graze on food all day, I've always skipped meals and binge ate. A Chinese buffet or golden corral or thanksgiving is my kryptonite
My new job is pretty stressful, I've lost 10 lbs this last month. 10 lbs a week is a LOT. Make sure you are at least getting sleep, that will take you down quick with everything else you got going on.
i lost 20 pounds in the first month at my current job.. kind of leveled off a bit for about 4 months... lost another 10 or so in the last month..
it's all a product of the "eat less, do more" diet...
EastCoastMojo wrote: My new job is pretty stressful, I've lost 10 lbs this last month. 10 lbs a week is a LOT. Make sure you are at least getting sleep, that will take you down quick with everything else you got going on.![]()
So my rampant insomnia of the last 2 weeks isn't a good thing? Last night I was up till 5 ish
No bueno mi amigo. One can go without food for a while. One can go without shelter. But ya gotta sleep. Gots to.
I don't suffer from insomnia often, but I find when I do, it's stress related. I try to head that off at the pass by medicating myself in one form or another, often unisom as that E36 M3 knock me out. Gotta take it early too because I will be super groggy the morning after. If I am feeling really amped up from the day, I take one when I get home around 8:30, just so the effects will be minimal in the am.
Recently, when I found myself spread the thinnest physically, financially, and emotionally, I was able to take some time and go camping with a friend. I started to feel guilty about the stuff I wasn't getting done at home but I just had to take some time for myself before my body shut me down. You go too hard for too long and your immune system just can't keep pace, and then you don't get to enjoy your time off from everything because you're miserably sick.
Take 20 minutes out of your day, and give it to yourself. Go for a walk and leave the phone at home. Stop by the game store on the way home and play the demos. Go to a favorite restaurant and treat yourself. Immerse yourself in something fun and out of the ordinary once a week, and consider that time an investment in yourself. You're worth it.
ryanty22 wrote: No, a good wholesome combination of work, extreme emotional stress, and lack of sleep.
It's the work, the other two things are not good for your health or weight.
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