5/25/11 7:09 p.m.

I'm hungry, but this apartment is entirely devoid of munchies.
I have no chips, prezels, peanuts, crackers, ice cream, or anything of that sort. No fruit, no eggs, no pickles, and my bread reserves were sacrificed in the production of another mighty sammich earlier today. No frozen food. I do have cereal (müsli), but no milk, and I don't want that anyway. I have cheese and olives but I've already eaten a bunch of them both. Oh yeah, it's 2:00 AM and the shops are closed.
Got lots of food but it's all raw ingredients. I could do up a nice dinner but I want something that takes five minutes to make and doesn't leave a mess.
So, suggestions! Let's hear 'em.
Yer SOL for tonight.
When the stores open, go and buy yourself about $100. worth of junk food/munchie type stuff, just so you don't run out again for awhile.
Do you have a wok & veggies & meat?
Stir fry. Chop veg/meat in bite sized pieces. About 20cc oil, heat to 400. If the meat's raw, throw it in first, throw in the veggies when the meat's about done. If the meat's already cooked (leftover whatever), throw it all in the same time. It'll warm back up in the amount of time it takes the veggies to cook. Just keep it all moving, that's how you keep from burning it with the heat that high.
5/25/11 7:42 p.m.
That's a typical meal for me, eat like that probably 5 days a week.
I'd eat the muesli right outta the box 
You listed cheese, olives and museli. You have already nommed on the cheese and the olives, I say go for the museli.
Just not all at once dude. Ew.
5/25/11 7:55 p.m.
Exciting news! I found couscous. A long-forgotten box at the back of the cupboard came forth in the hour of need.
Made it with some chopped carrot, feta cheese, and spices. It was satisfying.
First thing I thought....Da na na na na, Da na na na na, Da na na na na.
Blink182 - Dammit
I had the same situation today, and I solved it by ordering out pho. I consider it the least unhealthy of the takeout options.
5/25/11 10:46 p.m.
Mmmm, pho. That's what I had for supper 
5/26/11 10:36 a.m.
I've never seen that meme. Stoner dog???
The pot pie one is hilarious. 
5/26/11 12:14 p.m.

Note: I was NOT stoned last night. I was, however, mildly drunk. And I really, REALLY needed some late night grub. You know how it is.

Jay wrote:
Man, Stalin could take some lessons in revisionist history from the ICHC network!
When you said everything was closed at 2 AM, I had to look at your profile to find out where you lived so I could ensure I never moved there.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
When you said everything was closed at 2 AM, I had to look at your profile to find out where you lived so I could ensure I never moved there.
Two weeks ago I heard people bitch because there were no pineapple chicken pizza slices ready at 2 am.