...And then the revenge killing
After he was warned not to go into the bayou with a large alligator this weekend, a 28-year-old Texas man did just that, declaring “berkeley that alligator!” and jumping to his demise. Now a friend of the victim, a man known only as Bear, has made the alligator pay with its life for his buddy’s mistake.
Bear shot and killed the 11-foot gator Monday.
“He had to go,” Bear told the Houston Chronicle, “That’s what happens when you kill someone.”
Good point, Bear. It was definitely the large aquatic predator’s fault that a meal jumped right into its waiting jaws. Glad you could make things right.
Now Bear faces a potential $500 fine, because that’s what happens when you kill someone (an alligator) in Texas.
Game wardens discovered some remains of the very dumb dead man, Tommie Woodward, in the belly of the beast, the Chronicle reported. It’s not yet clear whether Woodward died from alligator bites or from drowning when the gator pulled him under. It is clear from photos of the marina, though, that he died within view of an alligator warning sign.
Woodward was the first person in 179 years to be killed by an alligator in Texas.
7/8/15 6:14 p.m.
In reply to Wally:
Still surprised it isn't Florida......
Another candle in the wind. This time from Texas, which seems to be making a run at Florida for the place idiots go to off themselves.
A friend said:
"He was the light of many people's lives...
For a minute or two anyway.
Fireworks stupidity is nothing new. When I was about 10 or so, a guy here was killed when a Roman candle went off 'backwards', i.e. the fireballs spit out of the wrong end. It so happened he was holding it directly in front of his stomach.
Courtesy of Floriduh, a different twist on last week's news. Darwin wins and berkeley the alligators. http://thugvirals.com/florida-man-arrested-for-having-sex-with-an-alligator/
Florida Man Arrested for Having Sex with an Alligator
Jul 13, 2015
People have had sex with pit bulls, donkeys and even parrots, but this incident is on another level.
Rupert Darwin, 59, kept a 12 foot alligator tied and blindfold for the last month, sexually assaulting the reptile multiple times a day.
Florida Man Arrested for Having Sex with an Alligator
Darwin is a relatively unknown fisherman who lives in the outskirts of the remote town of 400. Residents say he sticks to himself and described him as “odd.”
Police responded after a man out of a nature hike happened to walk by Darwin’s house and saw Darwin having sex with the alligator in his backyard.
The witness heard Darwin say, “next time you try to kill a man, you best get the job done. Now you’re my bitch forever.”
“It was the damn strangest thing I’ve ever seen,” the witness told police. “The gator didn’t even move. It was like it didn’t give a s**t that man was having sex with it.”
Collier County Sheriffs responded and arrested Darwin on multiple counts of animal cruelty and one count of illegally keeping a wild animal.
Excerpt from Darwin’s police statement:
The gator tried to eat me and this was revenge, pure and simple. I don’t have no sexual attraction to gators, but I wanted to teach this bitch a lesson. I could have just killed her, but that would have been too easy. She was getting what she deserved.
Darwin also told police he had planned to chop off the alligator’s tail and pull her teeth as part of his revenge scheme and had even considered performing noise torture on the reptile
Darwin claimed the alligator had gotten a hold of his pant leg when he was fishing in a swamp and tried to drag him into the water. Darwin was able to escape without injury, but that had set his resolve to get revenge.
The alligator is being treated for relatively minor injuries and is expected to be released back into the wild within a couple weeks.
7/16/15 9:28 a.m.
To update the OP, evidently Darwin didn't win.......one of the victims had 4 chilluns already. That and some final destination type E36 M3 taking place with her hubby getting clipped at some bar in Cali(go figger)
Unfortunately, Darwin doesn't always win. 
7/16/15 9:29 a.m.
And yes, I misspelled things on purpose.