12/10/14 6:46 a.m.
1kris06 wrote:
NGTD wrote:
The worst thing they ever did was make cars that have the dash lights come on without the rest of the lights being on. The oblivious drivers might actually notice that they can't see their instruments.
(This seems to be a mostly Japanese car affliction)
Or, it would be nice if manufactures would go back to having the tail lights on when the DRL/parking lights are on. I can't tell you how many people I have flashed at night, only to pass them and they have front lights on but absolutely no rear facing lights.
another nice thing the manufactures could do (wouldn't cost them anything … a few lines of code in the ECU) would be, to have the headlights revert to low beam when they're turned off …
way too many folk think they're doing the right thing and turning the head lights on in inclement weather, but they come on with the last setting … i.e. high beams, and they aren't aware enough to see the little blue light on the dash 
12/10/14 6:48 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Err guys, come on give people some slack, flash them and be done with it.
For years now all our cars have had automatic lights, a while ago I had a different car overnight that didn't have automatic lights. It was only when people started flashing me at twilight that I realize it wasn't automatic and had to turn them on. It's easy to do in those conditions as at that point the lights are more to be seen than see with. My fault yes, but I was grateful for the flash.
but you aren't a gang member 
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Err guys, come on give people some slack, flash them and be done with it.
Fiiiiine, I'll go get my trenchcoat.
The bright ass high beam indicator annoys the E36 M3 out of me. It doesn't have to be brighter than the headlights. Why can't they make it so it dims with the rest of the dash lights?
Anyway, people in Texas really need lessons in when to turn on they're lights. It's clear that the topic was never discussed in drivers ed.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Err guys, come on give people some slack, flash them and be done with it.
Did that yesterday!! F-900 crosses two lanes from the left, hits the center turn lane and I flash him to let him know it's OK to hit the left lane that I'm in. My high beams are yellow, so there's no mistaking. A Jetta wagon tucks in behind the truck as I get in the right lane, then the Jetta mats it and heads for my driver's door. I'll be polite, but I'm not taking a hit for you.
I accelerate, take part of the shoulder, get ahead of the truck and back into the left lane, truck is 5 lengths behind me.
Idjut in the Jetta starts flipping me off as he hits the ramp headed north.
Canadian plates. Have a safe trip. 
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Err guys, come on give people some slack, flash them and be done with it.
For years now all our cars have had automatic lights, a while ago I had a different car overnight that didn't have automatic lights. It was only when people started flashing me at twilight that I realize it wasn't automatic and had to turn them on. It's easy to do in those conditions as at that point the lights are more to be seen than see with. My fault yes, but I was grateful for the flash.
I've done that too when in a rental. Was heading back from Hershey Park (not a euphamism, surprisingly...) with the now very ex-GF in the dark and rain, and was getting increasingly annoyed at the car behind me flashing his lights at me when I wasn't anywhere near in anyone's way. Eventually looked down and started wondering and hit the headlight switch and felt like an idiot.
Toyman01 wrote:
Knurled wrote:
RX Reven' wrote:
I’m super happy with our 2003 Ford Exploder but its headlights are a joke. Turning them on has no discernable effect if you’re anywhere near street lights.
The street is lit. Having headlights on is not for your benefit.
Other than to make your vehicle more visible to other motorists.
Understood…my point was that if it isn’t obvious the lights are on, it also isn’t obvious the lights are off.
My old GM had automatic lights that would come on when I was under an underpass, but would not turn on in a rain storm. I also caught myself a number of times driving with the lights off because I had assumed the lights would come on but they were in DRL mode or something (parking lights and dash on, other lights off). It was pretty confusing.
I think it's even against the law to drive in the rain with the lights off (I was taught, if you need your wipers, you need your lights) but there seems to be a number of people who don't grasp the concept at all. Same people who don't use turn signals, in my experience. It's a good thing brake lights can't be turned off (unless you're driving a modified getaway car, I guess).