Hahahahahaha. I actually LOL'd.
It is true that the best way to get with a girl is to already be dating/engaged/married to one. It's how my buddy rationalizes cheating haha.
And 3Door, hang in there. Eventually one that isn't a complete #^%&!@ will show up.
Twin_Cam wrote:
It is true that the best way to get with a girl is to already be dating/engaged/married to one.
Or have a kid in your arm, or a puppy.
If you have both a kid and a puppy to look after, no way should you be spending time right then thinking about getting a date. You are fully occupied.
Kid OR a puppy, maybe... but you'd better be a really good multitasker.
6/14/10 8:23 p.m.
While seeing a dad with a kid in his arms makes me go all mushy inside, it's usually not with lust.
The old puppy trick though, that one works every time.
6/14/10 10:40 p.m.
For me, its the word "fine". I hate that.
And her friends. I think its relatively rare for couples to have mutual friends that they didn't make after the relationship started.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Go for good sanity and moderate looks.
My husband keeps saying that's what he should have done.
ROFL! Was that a witty appreciation of you, or a "backhanded compliment"? Personally I find "sanity" (but not intelligence, the two are not always related) over-rated in women. I think one of the reasons I'm with a younger woman now is because "sane" women (IME) stop doing stuff as they age. They all want to quietly sit home with their pets, books and TV set. It's one thing when your partner doesn't care about the car stuff, it's quite another when she doesn't have a hobby of her own to do while you're replacing the suspension bearings again.
I'm hoping my current partner is "insane" enough that she doesn't lose that sparkle as she ages. I'm not really worried that much, though. She's one of those "tough girls". Brilliant and feisty. Likes to get her hands dirty. Not a clotheshorse. She's better than I deserve.
EDIT: Nevah shoulda said "all" when whining about women my own age. Women like ECM (restoring 70s Celica, keeping bees, etc.) are the exceptions that "prove the rule"..
Being who I am, I seem to attract emotionally unstable types.
Believe me, I'd much rather have someone sane.
As long as sane involves getting some exercise once in a while.
I have come to the conclusion that the emotionally unstable types far outnumber the sane ones.
I can't ever put one over on the sane ones. They're just not interested in a nutjob like me.
I think the sane ones are a myth, personally.
6/15/10 9:40 a.m.
I think sanity is equally distributed across the sexes guys.
Whiskey and Xanax. The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.
Lesley wrote:
I think sanity is equally distributed across the sexes guys.
No disagreement here. Unfortunately women's and men's sanity aren't always compatible...
Lesley wrote:
I think sanity is equally distributed across the sexes guys.
Henry Rollins: "All men are MORONS" (ladies screaming and applauding) "Wait, wait, wait a minute ladies...All women are EVIL!"
mtn wrote:
For me, its the word "fine". I hate that.
And her friends. I think its relatively rare for couples to have mutual friends that they didn't make after the relationship started.
I remember one of my ex girlfriends was also a friend of my best friend. Funny thing is we did not even meet through that person. We met in a book store started talking and really hit it off, a few days later when I told my friend about meeting the girl he put it together as she told him about meeting a guy. Kinda funny. She was also CRAZY about cars, absolutely loved them.
poopshovel wrote:
Lesley wrote:
I think sanity is equally distributed across the sexes guys.
Henry Rollins: "All men are MORONS" (ladies screaming and applauding) "Wait, wait, wait a minute ladies...All women are EVIL!"
Yup. Perfectly rational behavior for a man can be completely irrational to a woman (and vice versa). One of the strangest things about women (to me, anyway) is that they will dress up to the nines and thus look completely unapproachable. Then they wonder why guys shy away.
Jensenman wrote:
Yup. Perfectly rational behavior for a man can be completely irrational to a woman (and vice versa). One of the strangest things about women (to me, anyway) is that they will dress up to the nines and thus look completely unapproachable. Then they wonder why guys shy away.
Women dress to impress other women.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Women dress to impress other women.
And so, I suppose it follows that they undress to impress men?!
I dress so that I have enough pockets to carry my crap. 
I dress because the judge recommended I should.
Man will never be able to figure out women. The men who say they have, are either lying, or fooling themselves.
It is best not to anger them, listen to them, and hopefully they will allow you to be around when the mood suits them. (also not predictable)
All you can do is try to put yourself in situations that MAY work out to your advantage. Do not expect a payoff, as you will usually be disappointed. Rather be happy when luck strikes!
also, don't listen to me, as I have no berkeleying idea either!
6/15/10 4:25 p.m.
been with my wife for 9 years.. i still think the nod your and agree method still works.. wether you agree or not..lol