I have just removed multiple U bolts. If I was doing this job in NYC would I have removed the "Youse bolts"? In Pittsburgh would it have been the "Yinz bolts"? In Alabama would it have been the "Y'all bolts"? Or is it just that my heater is using too much of the available oxygen in the garage?
In The Netherlands, those would be either "ooo" bolts or "ya" bolts, depending on if you really knew them well or not. Maybe "yoolee" bolts for plural.
I'm no linguist but I am amazed they came off. every time I have the need to remove ~those~ bolts they get stubborn and I get to cutting.
barefootskater said:
every time I have the need to remove ~those~ bolts they get stubborn and I get to cutting.
Some say entire languages have been birthed during particularly frustrating weekend garage sessions in the Rust Belt.
The Germans would still say it "YOU" but spell it "JU."
Luckily those bolts were installed by the previous owner before he parked the project for several years. Only had some lot rot surface rust.
Don't forget 'those rusty thingies'..
If they come off to fast are they Usain bolts?
As a southerner I can confirm that multiple U bolts might sometimes be y'all bolts, but only sometimes. Also, if there were a LOT of them they could be "all ya'll" bolts.