There's a petition out there to send the kid back to Canada, it's got 74,000 signatures. If they get 100,000 the White House has to respond.
Intervention time or just sour grapes?
This is why I truly love this country! Beeber is a waste of good air.
oh who the berkeley cares anymore
1/28/14 6:42 p.m.
What! don't deport him, suck his pockets dry! fines and taxes. Deport the killers and other illegals that commit murders and other violent crimes.
44Dwarf wrote:
What! don't deport him, suck his pockets dry! fines and taxes. Deport the killers and other illegals that commit murders and other violent crimes.
taxes aren't the answer.. and fine him only a reasonable amount for any crimes he's done- and making horrible music and being an entitled insufferable douchenozzle isn't technically a "crime". deport him if he is convicted of any felonies, but otherwise let him continue to be a trainwreck.
for some reason, i'm seeing him hanging out with Kirk Cameron within 5 years...
Hey, maybe Obama can make yet another executive order.
Grtechguy wrote:
Hey, maybe Obama can make yet another executive order.
Can he at least make this one Constitutional?
Oh crap, we better start up a petition saying we don't want him back!
Yay! It's been a while since we had a good 'ole Obama bashing political thread. Can't wait to see how productive this one is.
From naught to flounder in 7 posts. Well done, gents!
Send him to jail!
I'd bet everyday will be valentines day for him..
Pretty skeptical about the "if they receive 100,000 signatures the White House has to act." Also pretty disappointed to know the petition to build the death star won't be acted on.
Anyone else do dumb E36 M3 at 19? I surely did.
Regardless, his entourage could use a little de-lousing.
Pretty crazy what fame and fortune do to a kid
just can imagine a bunch of prison dudes in a shower singing... "Baby baby baby Ooooooooohhhh"
yup. Maybe I got problems.
OHSCrifle wrote:
Anyone else do dumb E36 M3 at 19? I surely did.
Never got my entourage to play "fast and the furious" and shut down a city street so I could go street racing while high.
OHSCrifle wrote:
Anyone else do dumb E36 M3 at 19? I surely did.
Regardless, his entourage could use a little de-lousing.
Pretty crazy what fame and fortune do to a kid
Yeah he's pretty standard as far as the dumbass variety of 19 year-olds are concerned. Anyone who's ever worked in a restaurant as a kid knows that this isn't anything out of the ordinary. The only difference is the opportunities provided by money and the constant eye on him. I worked in a resort town as a teenager where the average number of DUIs before the age of 21 among my peers was probably somewhere around 2.5
kazoospec wrote:
Pretty skeptical about the "if they receive 100,000 signatures the White House has to act." Also pretty disappointed to know the petition to build the death star won't be acted on.
they just have to "respond".. most times, they just say "no" and move along.
I always thought this was a funny pic:

Look at how tiny he is compared to his bodyguard!!

He needs a few to catch up so he should.
Dont want him here either. Keep him.
On the other hand, since he is such an ass-hat, it might be worth following the europeans in this matter and provide him with a fine adjusted to his income:
"European countries are increasingly pegging speeding fines to income as a way to punish wealthy scofflaws who would otherwise ignore tickets.
Advocates say a $290,000 speeding ticket slapped on a millionaire Ferrari driver in Switzerland was a fair and well-deserved example of the trend"
Y'all realize if you just ignore him the little attention whore will go away.
Ian F
1/29/14 7:57 a.m.
kazoospec wrote:
Pretty skeptical about the "if they receive 100,000 signatures the White House has to act." Also pretty disappointed to know the petition to build the death star won't be acted on.
I believe the "have to act" if they get the signatures is to simply confirm they received the petition, not to necessarily execute the petitiion demands. The founding fathers set up the Executive Branch of the govt for exactly this reason - to prevent "mob rule".
Regardless, it's still amusing to promote the idea of sending the little twerp back North.