Anyone else watch this show? I just finished the second season on DVD and girlfriend added Showtime with on-demand to her cable package so I've been playing catch-up on season three. I've gotten through four episodes on season three so far and it's still as good as the first season. I think it's a great show, way better than most of the crap that is on TV nowadays minus Discovery, History, National Geo, etc.
It's fabulous. I'm watching it as we speak
I love it, I'm furiously taking notes for future reference...
11/3/08 9:59 p.m.
Big fan here. I've not been addicted to a tv show like this since Lost. And this beats the crap out of Lost.
I'm a big fan also...the only problem is that it come on at the same time as "True Blood".(The wife watches it)
We watch both. We've gotten so that we record 2-3-4 of any show and then watch several episodes back to back. It makes it so much more interesting that way.
I just watched the first episode of season 2 last night. I'm late to the game, but I'm diggin' it.
Probably my favorite live-action show ever.
16vCorey wrote:
I just watched the first episode of season 2 last night. I'm late to the game, but I'm diggin' it.
I watched the first four episodes of the first season when it came out then my apartment changed cable providers and I no longer got showtime for free. Had to wait for it to come out on DVD. Had to do the same for season two, which I just started watching 2 weeks ago. I caught up, now I'm on season 3 and I just can't get enough of it.
Season two was great, I never could predict what was coming.
Watched a couple episodes and really enjoyed it. We'll probably Netflix it this winter. Right now, we can't commit to anything beyond "Mad Men," which also rules hard.
Wife has Blockbustered 'Dexter' and TiVos 'Mad Men', I will watch the occasional episode. Dexter has a big ol' problem right now, what with the discovery of his dumping ground. 'Mad Men's' depiction of the office climate of the '50s and '60's (booze in the office, blatant sexism) is a real shocker the first time you see it. My dad says it's pretty accurate, too.
Pretty much everything else on TV is crap except for 'My Name is Earl', sometimes 'The Office' and the various Discovery Channel programs. If I ever meet the writers/producers of 'Lost', 'Survivior' and 'Dancing with the Stars', they better hope I don't have quick access to automatic weapons. 
I am addicted to Dexter, but I have to watch it on DVD. Seasons 1-2 were awesome!
I need to see Mad Men! I am an advertising student, and I just heard about it today in one of my classes. sounds good though.
maroon92 wrote:
I need to see Mad Men! I am an advertising student, and I just heard about it today in one of my classes. sounds good though.
Same here. I'm surprised my g/f has mentioned anything about it to me. Usually if I'm watching TV it's either football, racing, top gear, simpsons, family guy, king of the hill, curb your enthusiasm, or entourage....and all of thsoe get "DVRd."
I usually wait to watch all of those until football season is over, because honestly there is nothing on tv worth watching on Saturdays when it's not football season. Except for maybe some hockey or racing.
I've started to download it...cause I go into withdrawal waiting for the DVDs to come out, and then I will literally watch an entire season in two nights. Better to space it out a little bit.
Although I have to say, I'm not digging this season quite as much as the first two. Still great though. I really like Jimmy Smits' character.