From the time I was 10 years old my dad drilled me with the question of what to do if the throttle sticks on a random basis. When I was 17 I actually used it riding shotgun in my friends old beater if a high school car. Throttle stuck, he freaked, I reached over and bummed the ignition back a notch. Turns out the return spring broke. I grabbed a pair of needle nose, bent a new loop and he babied it to the parts store where I put a new one on in the parking lot.
for what its worth, I asked the same question when I heard about the Toyota thing.
I had a stuck throttle once. Peddle on the left is how I avoided becoming a 100+MPH news story

God forbid my S-I-L ever has a stuck throttle, providing she ever gets a license. She is 23, on her last lesson she asked "what peddle is the gas?"
I had a stuck throttle on my Volvo, cruise control vacuum diaphragm stuck open and pinned the throttle. I turned the key off and on within seconds and coasted to a stop then removed the vacuum line from the diaphragm and plugged it with a spare pen I had.
All of this was done without attracting the attention of the cop in the parking lot that I flew past at 35mph.
from this I think she did a good job... and some good dirt trackin' too
She did a good job at not knowing how to operate her vehicle, that's about it.
She is far too calm. If she would have been a little more hysterical, it could have made some good auto-tune. All the years of driving in the snow paid off. Some of those speed dropping into the median and keeping it so composed is to be commended.
T.J. wrote:
Either one of these things is true:
1. The lady driving was an idiot. The people who answered the 911 call were idiots. The cops ahead and behind her are idiots. The people reporting on the story are idiots. The general population are idiots.
2. There is more to the story and this lady wanted to see how fast a Kia can go.
I'm sure there is, indeed, more to the story. But, number one is also true.