8/31/15 11:32 p.m.
True story. Short version is my Amy (not her real name, but we all know what an Amy is) married an abusive dick. I didn't like it. We got into a fistfight. He smashed my face, I smashed his hand. Two nights later I cashed in all my favors and rolled deep to get her out while he was at the bar. He tried to pay a friend of her father's to have me killed. Charges didn't stick because no money changed hands (dad set him up). She ended up going back to him. That's where the story ended.
Until last Friday when I learned shed left him. I have well placed sources for nearly everything and everyone of value to me..... So I always had tabs on her. So I did the single stupidest thing on the face of the planet.
I contacted her.
My wife actually knows the whole story and is rather supportive given my history with this woman. She's understandably upset because well, you don't keep track of someone whose husband tried to murder you unless they mean something. But it needed to be done. I have 20+ years of history with this woman- I'm not satisfied with her marrying an abusive drug addict. Now- I could tell the whole story, and I probably would because its the best bar story ever, but not even I have the pg13 euphamiao to cover this one.
Some women are just driven to those types.... psychology thing.
Hopefully she can break that tendency.
9/1/15 12:53 a.m.
I knew this had to be mndsm before I even looked.
9/1/15 2:54 a.m.
Dude, your stories.... Your stories.... Dude.
Your wife is one cool lady, otherwise its be the second time someone tries murdering you.
Second the admiration for your wife. Kept tabs on: ok. But contacting..... Very sketchy ground there my friend. Tread lightly please and avoid any second attempts on your life.
You are a glutton for punishment.
9/1/15 8:41 a.m.
mtn wrote:
I knew this had to be mndsm before I even looked.
Have I really.earned that reputation?
9/1/15 8:59 a.m.
mndsm wrote:
mtn wrote:
I knew this had to be mndsm before I even looked.
Have I really.earned that reputation?
Y'all posting in a PHELLER thread........
9/1/15 9:03 a.m.
daeman wrote:
Dude, your stories.... Your stories.... Dude.
Your wife is one cool lady, otherwise its be the second time someone tries murdering you.
Would actually be the third, but that's a different story. Some dudes get mad when you call em a homo on the internet.
daeman wrote:
Your wife is one cool lady, otherwise its be the second time someone tries murdering you.
That's next week's thread!
I live a very boring life, and I'm grateful for that. Good luck.
9/1/15 10:10 a.m.
ProDarwin wrote:
daeman wrote:
Your wife is one cool lady, otherwise its be the second time someone tries murdering you.
That's next week's thread!
Nah, this one is in it for the long haul. I cannot imagine much I'd do to actually get her mad enough to either kill me or leave me.
There comes a time to walk away.
That time has come.
mndsm wrote:
Would actually be the third, but that's a different story. Some dudes get mad when you call em a homo on the internet.
LOL that guy must be very very busy if he's ever been on a 'chan, IRC channel or Youtube comment section!
9/1/15 10:35 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
mndsm wrote:
Would actually be the third, but that's a different story. Some dudes get mad when you call em a homo on the internet.
LOL that guy must be very very busy if he's ever been on a 'chan, IRC channel or Youtube comment section!
You should have seen the troll army that was dispatched to Harry him after that whole thing went down.
Walk away. All that counts right now is your wife. Start apologizing and maybe get her that hardwood floor she wants.....oh wait, that's me.
9/1/15 12:43 p.m.
szeis4cookie wrote:
neon4891 wrote:
I live a very boring life, and I'm grateful for that. Good luck.
thirded. Probably fourthed, my life is really boring.
I think I owe mndsm some tacos next time we're in the same area of the country, because I have to hear this one.
yamaha wrote:
mndsm wrote:
mtn wrote:
I knew this had to be mndsm before I even looked.
Have I really.earned that reputation?
Y'all posting in a PHELLER thread........
I don't even remember that.
tuna55 wrote:
szeis4cookie wrote:
neon4891 wrote:
I live a very boring life, and I'm grateful for that. Good luck.
thirded. Probably fourthed, my life is really boring.
Trust me your not missing anything. Mine is a much shorter story.
Meth head broke a glass door to get into apartment. Heard me wake up and grabbed a kitchen knife. He was 100lb's soaking wet, I had 125lb's and almost 8 inched on him. Did not end well for him. Did loose a bit of my index finger though.
9/1/15 7:08 p.m.
Sky_Render wrote:
I think I owe mndsm some tacos next time we're in the same area of the country, because I **have** to hear this one.
Yeah, this is best told In person.