Uhmm, wow!. What a great thread. Did Obama jump the shark. I would say...Hang on, I got to go look up what that means...I don't know or really care.
This thread has definitely nuked the fridge.
We have all fallen into our usual battle lines with the usual troops. The liberal shouting "Government, good for everyone". The conservatives shouting "Government, leave me alone". Y'all know which side I'm on so I'll save myself the typing. Makes for some fun reading though, keep it up. 

i do apologize. it is NOT aimed at anyone in particular, it's just funny.
12/16/10 5:45 a.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
. The liberal shouting "Government, good for everyone".
You're putting words in my mouth....
Shim wrote:
Toyman01 wrote:
. The liberal shouting "Government, good for everyone".
You're putting words in my mouth....
that's not all I'm putting in there.... ba dum dum! 
The obvious answer is that he jumped the shark the moment he got elected. So put me down as "yes."
I just think it is way too early to answer that question about Obama. I am still trying to make up my mind about Reagan based on the long term effects of his policies from nearly 30 years ago.
People complain that politicians only worry about their next election and in the next breath complain that we aren't seeing instant results. A lot of good, healthy long term policy takes years or decades to come to fruition.
Otto Maddox wrote:
A lot of good, healthy long term policy takes years or decades to come to fruition.
I agree. My concern is that this time we don't have years or decades to solve our problems.
^You mean you don't want to repeat Japan's lost decade's?
In reply to z31maniac:
What if the lesson from Japan is that strong growth is not eternally sustainable?
fast_eddie_72 wrote:
Again, all I said was I am 100% sure and can prove that Creationism is wrong. Period.
I was really kinda looking forward to seeing this proof. It would just be an interesting read.
Otto Maddox wrote:
In reply to z31maniac:
What if the lesson from Japan is that strong growth is not eternally sustainable?
This is why I'm not concerned about the Chinese.
Greed is an infectious disease but we have been carriers since long before Spain came here to plunder for gold. The Japanese got a little taste - and like the Bubonic plague sweeping Europe - they went batE36 M3 crazy from it and collapsed. They failed to realize that it infects every citizen with the lust for stuff they didn't know they needed before.
The Chinese are just getting there now - and pretty soon they will get the disease full on. The overbearing government will realize too late that it is losing control of the population and the whole place will be Japan all over again except with a huge internal body count. You see how they get rid of Bird Flu over there right?
Someone will have to take all that manufacturing over when it crumbles...
bravenrace wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
A lot of good, healthy long term policy takes years or decades to come to fruition.
I agree. My concern is that this time we don't have years or decades to solve our problems.
i'd say that a bigger problem is that much like earning trust, bad policies can quickly cause damage and despite a reversal in policies/incentives it usually takes a lot longer to earn back that 'trust' for economic strength to be built up again.
Next, prove that Muslim terrorists don't have virgins waiting for them in paradise.
Never mind; this has nothing to do with Obama.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
In reply to z31maniac:
What if the lesson from Japan is that strong growth is not eternally sustainable?
This is why I'm not concerned about the Chinese.
Greed is an infectious disease but we have been carriers since long before Spain came here to plunder for gold. The Japanese got a little taste - and like the Bubonic plague sweeping Europe - they went batE36 M3 crazy from it and collapsed. They failed to realize that it infects every citizen with the lust for stuff they didn't know they needed before.
The Chinese are just getting there now - and pretty soon they will get the disease full on. The overbearing government will realize too late that it is losing control of the population and the whole place will be Japan all over again except with a huge internal body count. You see how they get rid of Bird Flu over there right?
Someone will have to take all that manufacturing over when it crumbles...
I think we may be further along in that cycle than China. I only hope they fail to the point that manufacturing comes back here. It's difficult to build wealth in a country that is continually moving more manufacturing to other countries. Arrogance will be our undoing. Thinking that it can't happen here. It can.
Otto Maddox wrote:
Next, prove that Muslim terrorists don't have virgins waiting for them in paradise.
I never did get how that was a "paradise" scenario. After the first one or two - the sobbing is going to get old really fast. You are going to want an innovator with experience and the tact to know when its time to get dressed and go home.
bravenrace wrote:
It's difficult to build wealth in a country that is continually moving more manufacturing to other countries. Arrogance will be our undoing. Thinking that it can't happen here. It can.
Our latest mini-collapse here will be the anti-bodies we need to be ready. Combined with the weak dollar - manufacturing here will look a lot better. Timing will be everything.
We should just abolish the corporate income tax.
This thread is embarrassing. Its the lowest common denominator. Wow.
Appleseed wrote:
This thread is embarrassing. Its the lowest common denominator. Wow.
What is the point of a post like this?
z31maniac wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
This thread is embarrassing. Its the lowest common denominator. Wow.
What is the point of a post like this?
Possibly to add the lowest common denominator so that he can make that statement in truth?
nocones wrote:
I was really kinda looking forward to seeing this proof. It would just be an interesting read.
Not really. I don't have anything special. The argumetns have all been made before and the proofs are easy to find. Shoot, just think about some of the basic points of Creationism - it's not hard to find solid facts that disprove them.
The only problem, and the thing that makes it useless to present the points, is that they're dismissed by supporters of Biblical Creation. No amount of information will satisfy them. Carbon 14 dating proves Creation wrong? They'll tell you at great length that Carbon 14 dating doesn't really work and provide "scientific" support for their claim. The speed of light proves that we are observing stars that existed before the Bible says Creation happened? Not a problem. God created a universe with light already on it's way to Earth from these distant stars.
Once you assume an answer, and atribute magic to it, there's no amount of Science that will sway your opinion.
fast_eddie_72 wrote:
Once you assume an answer, and atribute magic to it, there's no amount of Science that will sway your opinion.
Magical thinking is all well and good until you need something to work or somebody gets sick. Then it's all "he who helps himself".
Didn't we already have an evolution thread? It devolved into a religous discussion with the evolution random chance worshipers stomping their little feet and saying "Nu-Uh!"