bearmtnmartin wrote: I don't know if the punishment fit the crime. I did not hear all the evidence in court and I was not at the scene of the crime. So what I do know is, the judge took the available evidence and testimony into account and made a decision. It seems as if he would be as repelled as anyone and would not be on the side of a rapist unless someone paid him off. A lot of people do not like the decision he made and have done their best to stiffen the penalty. I am Canadian and I have seen three different Facebook postings with photos float past my screen, each with endless added condemnation and vitriol. So the public has added immeasurably to that kids sentence, rightly or wrongly. And I suspect a lot of the anger came from his dad's comment about a few minutes of action. Sounds like the apple does not fall far from the tree. In addition to time in jail, he is on a national sex offender registry. That doesn't wear off as far as I know. With that and the social media shaming, he is now a marked man for the rest of his life. Reporting to authorities when he moves or changes jobs, not allowed to be around kids, and whatever else is involved with that. I would say at this point he has been heavily punished.
The problem is that his sentence is NOT consistent with what others have been given for similar crimes, even in cases that were far less clear-cut (he got caught in the act). Six months- three if he behaves from what I've read (all while being 'escorted' for his protection BTW)- after being unanimously convicted of three felony counts with the jury themselves recommending a much heavier sentence based on the severity of what he'd done.
There are people his age serving longer sentences who are in jail for simple possession- something which at worst could negatively impact their own lives and certainly did not shatter the life of another person like this unrepentant affluent rapist did. The judge stated, "A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him. I think he will not be a danger to others." NO E36 M3, having a 'severe impact' is pretty much the point- and how is it remotely fair to try and shield HIM from this 'severe impact' given what he did clearly had a far MORE severe impact on his victim.
Sadly, I'm not sure there truly IS any punishment that can fit his crime. There being a way to transfer the hell that his victim has gone and is going through onto him would be nice. But a more appropriate prison sentence would be a good start.