Maybe this should go in the Events column .....
My Little Pony convention! Nobody told me!
OK, seriously, a cartoon for little girls under tha age of 10 attracts a bunch of grown men. I have thoughts.
We must know how you came upon this information. Please tell us it wasn't one of those intelligent banner ads.
My 2 yr old loves My Little Ponies, not going to say I do that much though... LOL Especially not THAT much!
My 14 (almost 15) y/o is a pegasister.
No, no, it was in the radio news this morning. The talking heads were discussing it; the guy thought it was weird, the woman DJ said it was just creepy. Not for crossing some male/female audience line, but hopping the child/adult fence.
I'm feeling pretty sane about me now .... 
I don't know if Bronies are all part of some weird group parody routine (I suspect the same about KISS fans) or if the My Little Pony show is a girly-looking cartoon that actually isn't that girly, like Powerpuff Girls.
My 25 year old brother is "into" it. Baffles me, I assume its a "hey look how weird I am" cry for attention.
My kid swears that it is intellectual on many levels. I dunno. There's no 30 y/o guys hanging around my house and no weird numbers show on her cell records so I don't interfere.
My daughter loves it (she is 4) and my wife says that the writers slip in some adult stuff (jokes, etc) that no kid is ever going to get.
Guess I need to start paying more attention when Kourtlyn watches...
I am an animation fan. I fully realize that "cartoons" often are worthy of being considered artistic, both in the stories they tell, and in the images they display.
IMO, that disposable toy-pushing, badly painted, 3-frame-a-second crap is not among them. Stuff like "My Little Pony" was why the CTA was created. Twenty two minutes of MLP "show", fleshed out with eight minutes of Hasbro MLP commercials.
I'm kind of freaked out to see males doing MLP cosplay..and I've actually been to anime conventions..
EDIT: Hyperlink doesn't work, but you can still see the page if you copy & paste the link.
I'm old enough to remember the original show. I'll admit that I did watch it if I got up early enough. But Hell came to the boy who got caught watching it by his friends. You could NEVER go back to school. You'd have to leave town.
If it exists, someone, somewhere is probably OBSESSED with it.
kind of weird if you think about it.
Many of the Miata forums are big into this. (SHOCKER!)
There's a "Pony Generator" floating around somewhere.
Here's what i made. 

My nephew (high school senior, I believe) is into this.
Apparently, when watching MLP on your computer, you want to have porn up that you can switch to if it looks like someone might catch you...
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Many of the Miata forums are big into this. (SHOCKER!)
Care to name a few, so i can avoid them? 
Apexcarver wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Many of the Miata forums are big into this. (SHOCKER!)
Care to name a few, so i can avoid them?
All of them, pretty much. 
obviously they haven't discovered the world of Furries yet, grow up dammit

I've got a good friend who's a brony. He also claims the show is deeper than it appears, and I mostly believe him, as you can say the same about a lot of stuff generated for kids that's got a lot of hidden adult humor (Spongebob comes to mind).
That said, I think a lot of the brony appeal comes from the counter-masculinity movement that has formed in the past decade.