12/23/13 10:46 a.m.
Did anybody get hit by this ice storm? How are you fairing? My neighborhood looks like a tornado went through it. More downed trees and branches than I've ever seen before. We lost power yesterday morning and it's not projected to be back on 'till Saturday
I'm waiting for the city to come out and shut the water off so I can drain the pipes, then we're outta here for a few days. It's freaking cold!
No damage here in Iowa, but everything is pretty well glazed.
Had to move the Z4 off the lift where it was stored to do an oil and filter change this weekend on the Tahoe-- summer performance rubber + ice + driveway with just the slightest grade made it very challenging to get the Z4 back in the garage.
First world problem.
Nope nothing but rain here. It rained constantly from around 10 Friday night until about 9-10 ish Saturday night. Then on and off drizzle Sunday, and today its intermittent snow flurries with the same forecast tomorrow and Christmas Day.
NW Ohio reporting in, nuffin but rain
Tulsa reporting in, got about .5" of ice accumulation over night Friday and Saturday during the day. Many limbs down, a few people with out power.
Nothing like the ice storm we got in 2007 (thankfully I still lived an hour west and didn't get hit nearly as bad).
I'm in Lansing today and lot's of damage around here, Grand Rapids was fine for the most part.
I feel for you guys. Ive been through one and they are no fun. If its any consolation, I was at the beach this weekend and the weather was in the low 80's in NC. 5-6 degrees above the record highs. Sending warm thoughts your way. 

12/23/13 1:23 p.m.
Storm blew south of MN- just another winter day here.
12/23/13 1:26 p.m.
Meh, the river next to the warehouse is a bit full, but no damage here......hoooraaay rain
Damn, sorry for the trouble Dr Boost. Come south, we still have the A/C on at home. 
Hope it all works out for you.
watch out for ice damming. make sure your gutters clear.
12/23/13 2:07 p.m.

We had to turn the air conditioning back on last night. 
12/23/13 2:20 p.m.
Toronto got hammered (no - not Rob Ford hammered!). Over 1/4 million people without power right now.
We are 3 1/2 hours north of there - we got 8" of snow. The skiing was very nice today! 
aussiesmg wrote:
NW Ohio reporting in, nuffin but rain
I got enough for everyone.
chandlerGTi wrote:
aussiesmg wrote:
NW Ohio reporting in, nuffin but rain
I got enough for everyone.
Findlay, the submarine of small towns
We got hammered with ice. There is extensive damage to the horse fencing and many trees. The power lines are down under a pine and we lost several large older trees in the front of the house.
The surprising thing to me is how many people are completely unprepared for any disruption in their daily life. We have a friend that may come stay with us because they only have one heat source (electric) and their house is getting cold. One of the first things we bought when my wife and I got a house was a camping heater that would at least keep one room warm. In an area where extended power outages can be common it seems foolish to not have a backup of some sort. My neighbor has a generator but it isnt big enough to run his well. We've been letting him use our well to fill jugs to he can flush his toilet and all that fun stuff. Before we had a generator we would fill old milk jugs with water and stash them in the basement. Now that we have a generator big enough to run the house we keep the jugs as a backup. I dont consider myself to be a doomsday prepper or anything but we do try and make sure we can handle what nature throws at us for a few days. Heating with wood as a primary source makes life easier (beats huddling around a propane camp heater!)
I have Mongo as our emergency support system, including 7200w generator, bathroom and full kitchen.
I am prepped
12/23/13 3:48 p.m.
We are fine, adjusting ok. We moved in with the in-laws because we dont have a genny. In the 16 years we've been married this would make only the second time we would have used it. Thats why i javn't bothered to build one.
And to all you that turned your A/c on... Well i don't know, but think something mean and clever and pretend I said it.
12/23/13 3:50 p.m.
It's terrible up here, thousands with no power. My house is fine, but it took about an hour to chip and shovel out my car last night.
No power at the barn where my horse lives, they're all stuck inside until it's safer to go out. Many of my friends have been without power overnight. Lots of folks running around borrowing generators and such.
Every other traffic light between here and Toronto is out, and there are branches and trees down everywhere.
Spent the week end in north VT. No too bad. roads kind of crummy. Power off and on. Ate dinner by candelight. the waitresses were friendly.
Took a half hour to clear the ice off the car so that I could see to drive.
12/24/13 8:01 a.m.
I want powah!!
The in-laws don't have TV, they do have the internet, but suffice it to say, it's not readily accessible. They live in a valley in a large city so cell coverage is almost nonexistent so communicating with anyone but them is very, very hard. I'm sure people here will say "enjoy it, spend time wit the family' and such. Yeah, we are doing that, but dangit, I want to be able to turn something on and check my mail, or watch Netflix if I want to. Tomorrow is some pagan holiday so nothing will be open
and I'll just be sitting here, drawing scenes from The Office on a cardboard box pretending to be entertained.
Yeah, I know, first world problems.
In reply to DrBoost:
Perfect opportunity to finalize your plans for world domination
12/24/13 10:08 a.m.
Well, my plans all hinged on a reliable source of electricity. I'm rethinking it now, working legos and Lincoln Logs into it and eliminating electricity.